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HD 21022



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Evidence of Tidal Debris from ? Cen in the Kapteyn Group
This paper presents a detailed kinematic and chemical analysis of 16members of the Kapteyn moving group. The group does not appear to bechemically homogenous. However, the kinematics and the chemicalabundance patterns seen in 14 of the stars in this group are similar tothose observed in the well-studied cluster, ? Centauri (?Cen). Some members of this moving group may be remnants of the tidaldebris of ? Cen, left in the Galactic disk during the merger eventthat deposited ? Cen into the Milky Way.

Rotation and Macroturbulence in Metal-Poor Field Red Giant and Red Horizontal Branch Stars
We report the results for rotational velocities, Vrot sin i,and macroturbulence dispersions, ζRT, for 12 metal-poorfield red giant branch (RGB) stars and 7 metal-poor field red horizontalbranch (RHB) stars. The results are based on Fourier transform analysesof absorption line profiles from high-resolution (R ≈ 120,000),high-S/N (≈215 per pixel; ≈345 per resolution element) spectraobtained with the Gecko spectrograph at the Canada-France-HawaiiTelescope (CFHT). The stars were selected from the authors' previousstudies of 20 RHB and 116 RGB stars, based primarily onlarger-than-average line-broadening values. We find thatζRT values for the metal-poor RGB stars are very similarto those for metal-rich disk giants studied earlier by Gray and hiscollaborators. Six of the RGB stars have small rotational values, lessthan 2.0 km s-1, while five show significantrotation/enhanced line broadening, over 3 km s-1. We confirmthe rapid rotation rate for RHB star HD 195636, found earlier byPreston. This star's rotation is comparable to that of the fastest knownrotating blue horizontal branch (BHB) stars, when allowance is made fordifferences in radii and moments of inertia. The other six RHB starshave somewhat lower rotation but show a trend to higher values at highertemperatures (lower radii). Comparing our results with those for BHBstars from Kinman et al., we find that the fraction of rapidly rotatingRHB stars is somewhat lower than is found among BHB stars. The number ofrapidly rotating RHB stars is also smaller than we would have expectedfrom the observed rotation of the RGB stars. We devise two empiricalmethods to translate our earlier line-broadening results intoVrot sin i for all the RGB and RHB stars they studied.Binning the RGB stars by luminosity, we find that most metal-poor fieldRGB stars show no detectable sign, on average, of rotation, which is notsurprising given the stars' large radii. However, the most luminousstars, with MV <= -1.5, do show net rotation, with meanvalues of 2-4 km s-1, depending on the algorithm employed,and also show signs of radial velocity jitter and mass loss. This"rotation" may in fact prove to be due to other line-broadening effects,such as shock waves or pulsation.Based on observations obtained at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope(CFHT) which is operated by the National Research Council of Canada, theInstitut National des Sciences de l'Univers of the Centre National de laRecherche Scientifique de France, and the University of Hawaii.

Line Broadening in Field Metal-Poor Red Giant and Red Horizontal Branch Stars
We report 349 radial velocities for 45 metal-poor field red giant branch(RGB) and red horizontal branch (RHB) stars, with time coverage rangingfrom 1 to 21 years. We have identified one new spectroscopic binary, HD4306, and one possible such system, HD 184711. We also provide 57 radialvelocities for 11 of the 91 stars reported in our previous work. All butone of the 11 stars had been found to have variable radial velocities.New velocities for the long-period spectroscopic binaries BD-1 2582 andHD 108317 have extended the time coverage to 21.7 and 12.5 years,respectively, but in neither case have we yet completed a full orbitalperiod. As was found in the previous study, radial velocity "jitter" ispresent in many of the most luminous stars. Excluding stars showingspectroscopic binary orbital motion, all 7 of the red giants withestimated MV values more luminous than -2.0 display jitter,as well as 3 of the 14 stars with -2.0 < MV <= -1.4. Wehave also measured the line broadening in all the new spectra, usingsynthetic spectra as templates. Comparison with results fromhigh-resolution and higher signal-to-noise (S/N) spectra employed byother workers shows good agreement down to line-broadening levels of 3km s-1, well below our instrumental resolution of 8.5 kms-1. As the previous work demonstrated, the majority of themost luminous red giants show significant line broadening, as do many ofthe red horizontal branch stars, and we briefly discuss possible causes.The line broadening appears related to velocity jitter, in that bothappear primarily among the highest luminosity red giants.

Halo Star Streams in the Solar Neighborhood
We have assembled a sample of halo stars in the solar neighborhood tolook for halo substructure in velocity and angular momentum space. Oursample (231 stars) includes red giants, RR Lyrae variable stars, and redhorizontal branch stars within 2.5 kpc of the Sun with [Fe/H] less than-1.0. It was chosen to include stars with accurate distances, spacevelocities, and metallicities, as well as well-quantified errors. Withour data set, we confirm the existence of the streams found by Helmi andcoworkers, which we refer to as the H99 streams. These streams have adouble-peaked velocity distribution in the z-direction (out of theGalactic plane). We use the results of modeling of the H99 streams byHelmi and collaborators to test how one might use vz velocityinformation and radial velocity information to detect kinematicsubstructure in the halo. We find that detecting the H99 streams withradial velocities alone would require a large sample (e.g.,approximately 150 stars within 2 kpc of the Sun and within 20° ofthe Galactic poles). In addition, we use the velocity distribution ofthe H99 streams to estimate their age. From our model of the progenitorof the H99 streams, we determine that it was accreted between 6 and 9Gyr ago. The H99 streams have [α/Fe] abundances similar to otherhalo stars in the solar neighborhood, suggesting that the gas thatformed these stars were enriched mostly by Type II supernovae. We havealso discovered in angular momentum space two other possiblesubstructures, which we refer to as the retrograde and progradeoutliers. The retrograde outliers are likely to be halo substructure,but the prograde outliers are most likely part of the smooth halo. Theretrograde outliers have significant structure in the vφdirection and show a range of [α/Fe], with two having low[α/Fe] for their [Fe/H]. The fraction of substructure stars in oursample is between 5% and 7%. The methods presented in this paper can beused to exploit the kinematic information present in future largedatabases like RAVE, SDSS-II/SEGUE, and Gaia.

Dynamical masses of ultra-compact dwarf galaxies in Fornax
Aims.We determine masses and mass-to-light ratios of five ultra-compactdwarf galaxies (UCDs) and one dwarf elliptical nucleus in the Fornaxcluster from high resolution spectroscopy. We examine whether they areconsistent with pure stellar populations or whether dark matter isneeded to explain their masses. Methods: Velocity dispersions werederived from selected wavelength regions using a direct-fitting method.To estimate the masses of the UCDs a new modelling program has beendeveloped that allows a choice of different representations of thesurface brightness profile (i.e. Nuker, Sersic or King laws) andcorrects the observed velocity dispersions for observational parameters(i.e. seeing, slit size). The derived dynamical masses are compared tothose expected from stellar population models. Results: The observedvelocity dispersions range between 22 and 30 km s-1. Theresulting masses are between 1.8 and 9.5×10^7~Mȯ.These, as well as the central and global projected velocity dispersions,were derived from the generalized King model which turned out to givethe most stable results. The masses of two UCDs, that are best fitted bya two-component profile, were derived from a combined King+Sersic model.The mass-to-light ratios of the Fornax UCDs range between 3 and 5(M/L_V)ȯ. The M/LV ratio of the dwarfelliptical nucleus is 2.5. These values are compatible with predictionsfrom stellar population models. Within 1-2 half-mass radii dark matteris not dominating UCDs and the nucleus. An increasing dark mattercontribution towards larger radii can not be ruled out with the presentdata. The M/LV ratios of some UCDs suggest they haveintermediate age stellar populations. Conclusions: .We show that themass-to-light ratios of UCDs in Fornax are consistent with thoseexpected for pure stellar populations. Thus UCDs seem to be the resultof cluster formation processes within galaxies rather than being compactdark matter dominated substructures themselves. Whether UCDs gainedtheir mass in super-star cluster complexes of mergers or in nuclear starcluster formation processes remains an open question. It appears,however, clear that star clusters more massive than about5×10^6~Mȯ exhibit a more complex formation historythan the less massive “ordinary” globular clusters.Based on observations obtained at the European Southern Observatory,Chile (Observing Programme 66.B-0378).

Kinematics of Metal-poor Stars in the Galaxy. II. Proper Motions for a Large Nonkinematically Selected Sample
We present a revised catalog of 2106 Galactic stars, selected withoutkinematic bias and with available radial velocities, distance estimates,and metal abundances in the range -4.0<=[Fe/H]<=0.0. This updateof the 1995 Beers & Sommer-Larsen catalog includes newly derivedhomogeneous photometric distance estimates, revised radial velocitiesfor a number of stars with recently obtained high-resolution spectra,and refined metallicities for stars originally identified in the HKobjective-prism survey (which account for nearly half of the catalog)based on a recent recalibration. A subset of 1258 stars in this cataloghave available proper motions based on measurements obtained with theHipparcos astrometry satellite or taken from the updated AstrographicCatalogue (second epoch positions from either the Hubble Space TelescopeGuide Star Catalog or the Tycho Catalogue), the Yale/San Juan SouthernProper Motion Catalog 2.0, and the Lick Northern Proper Motion Catalog.Our present catalog includes 388 RR Lyrae variables (182 of which arenewly added), 38 variables of other types, and 1680 nonvariables, withdistances in the range 0.1 to 40 kpc.

Ca II H and K Photometry on the UVBY System. III. The Metallicity Calibration for the Red Giants
New photometry on the uvby Ca system is presented for over 300 stars.When combined with previous data, the sample is used to calibrate themetallicity dependence of the hk index for cooler, evolved stars. Themetallicity scale is based upon the standardized merger of spectroscopicabundances from 38 studies since 1983, providing an overlap of 122evolved stars with the photometric catalog. The hk index producesreliable abundances for stars in the [Fe/H] range from -0.8 to -3.4,losing sensitivity among cooler stars due to saturation effects athigher [Fe/H], as expected.

Kinematics and Metallicity of Stars in the Solar Region
Several samples of nearby stars with the most accurate astrometric andphotometric parameters are searched for clues to their evolutionaryhistory. The main samples are (1) the main-sequence stars with b - ybetween 0.29 and 0.59 mag (F3 to K1) in the Yale parallax catalog, (2) agroup of high-velocity subgiants studied spectroscopically by Ryan &Lambert, and (3) high-velocity main-sequence stars in the extensiveinvestigation by Norris, Bessel, & Pickles. The major conclusionsare as follows: (1) The oldest stars (halo), t >= 10-12 Gyr, haveV-velocities (in the direction of Galactic rotation and referred to theSun) in the range from about -50 to -800 km s^-1 and have aheavy-element abundance [Fe/H] of less than about -0.8 dex. The agerange of these objects depends on our knowledge of globular clusterages, but if age is correlated with V-velocity, the youngest may be M22and M28 (V ~ -50 km s^-1) and the oldest NGC 3201 (V ~ -500 km s^-1) andassorted field stars. (2) The old disk population covers the large agerange from about 2 Gyr (Hyades, NGC 752) to 10 or 12 Gyr (Arcturusgroup, 47 Tuc), but the lag (V) velocity is restricted to less thanabout 120 km s^-1 and [Fe/H] >= -0.8 or -0.9 dex. The [Fe/H] ~ -0.8dex division between halo and old disk, near t ~ 10-12 Gyr, is marked bya change in the character of the CN index (C_m) and of the blanketingparameter K of the DDO photometry. (3) The young disk population, t <2 Gyr, is confined exclusively to a well-defined area of the (U, V)velocity plane. The age separating young and old disk stars is also thatseparating giant evolution of the Hyades (near main-sequence luminosity)and M67 (degenerate helium cores and a large luminosity rise) kinds. Thetwo disk populations are also separated by such indexes as the g-indexof Geveva photometry. There appears to be no obvious need to invokeexogeneous influences to understand the motion and heavy-elementabundance distributions of the best-observed stars near the Sun.Individual stars of special interest include the parallax star HD 55575,which may be an equal-component binary, and the high-velocity star HD220127, with a well-determined space velocity near 1000 km s^-1.

Early evolution of the Galactic halo revealed from Hipparcos observations of metal-poor stars
The kinematics of 122 red giant and 124 RR Lyrae stars in the solarneighborhood are studied using accurate measurements of their propermotions obtained by the Hipparcos astrometry satellite, combined withtheir published photometric distances, metal abundances, and radialvelocities. A majority of these sample stars have metal abundances of(Fe/H) = -1 or less and thus represent the old stellar populations inthe Galaxy. The halo component, with (Fe/H) = -1.6 or less, ischaracterized by a lack of systemic rotation and a radially elongatedvelocity ellipsoid. About 16 percent of such metal-poor stars have loworbital eccentricities, and we see no evidence of a correlation between(Fe/H) and e. Based on the model for the e-distribution of orbits, weshow that this fraction of low-e stars for (Fe/H) = -1.6 or less isexplained by the halo component alone, without introducing the extradisk component claimed by recent workers. This is also supported by theabsence of a significant change in the e-distribution with height fromthe Galactic plane. In the intermediate-metallicity range, we find thatstars with disklike kinematics have only modest effects on thedistributions of rotational velocities and e for the sample at absolutevalue of z less than 1 kpc. This disk component appears to constituteonly 10 percent for (Fe/H) between -1.6 and -1 and 20 percent for (Fe/H)between -1.4 and -1.

Red Horizontal Branch and Early Asymptotic Branch Stars Near the Sun.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1997AJ....114.1666E&db_key=AST

The Abundance of CN. Calcium and Heavy Elements in High Velocity Stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1997AJ....114..825E&db_key=AST

Star Streams and Galactic Structure
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1996AJ....112.1595E&db_key=AST

Ca II H and K Filter Photometry on the UVBY System. II. The Catalog of Observations
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1995AJ....109.2828T&db_key=AST

SANTIAGO 91, a right ascension catalogue of 3387 stars (equinox J2000).
The positions in right ascension of 3387 stars belonging to the Santiago67 Catalogue, observed with the Repsold Meridian Circle at Cerro Calan,National Astronomical Observatory, during the period 1989 to 1994, aregiven. The average mean square error of a position, for the wholeCatalogue, is +/-0.009 s. The mean epoch of the catalogue is 1991.84.

Kinematics of metal-poor stars in the galaxy
We discuss the kinematic properties of a sample of 1936 Galactic stars,selected without kinematic bias, and with abundances (Fe/H) is less thanor equal to -0.6. The stars selected for this study all have measuredradial velocities, and the majority have abundances determined fromspectroscopic or narrow-/intermediate-band photometric techniques. Incontrast to previous examinations of the kinematics of the metal-poorstars in the Galaxy, our sample contains large numbers of stars that arelocated at distances in excess of 1 kpc from the Galactic plane. Thus, amuch clearer picture of the nature of the metal-deficient populations inthe Galaxy can now be drawn.

Reddening estimation for halo red giants using UVBY photometry
Updated uvby observations for a larger sample of metal-deficient redgiants are presented and combined with a select sample of data from theliterature transformed to a common system. Using the reddening maps ofBurstein & Heiles (1982), new absolute magnitudes, distances,metallicities, and reddenings are derived for each star. Themetallicities are determined with a revised calibration of them1, (b-y) diagram based upon comparison to a complilation ofrecent spectrsoscopic abundances transformed to a common system. Thephotometric abundances agree very well with the spectroscopic; thedispersion among the residuals for 58 giants is +/- 0.16 dex. Thedereddened indices are used to show that for red giants with (Fe/H) lessthan -1.5, there is a well-defined relation in the c0,(b-y)0 diagram which exhibits only a weak dependence uponmetallicity. Use of the standard relations allows one to obtainreddening estimates for normal halo field giants and globular clustersin the appropriate metallicity range.

Spectroscopy of the CA II K line of metal-poor field red giants. I - Southern Hemisphere observations
Spectra of the Ca II K line have been obtained for a sample of fieldmetal-poor red giants. Strong chromospheric emission is found to bequite common among such giants of absolute magnitude brighter than M(v)about -0.3. The behavior of the violet/red asymmetry of the emissionline profile shows no significant difference with that observed amongPopulation I red giants, suggesting that the onset of material outflowis independent of metallicity. The Ca II emission is observed amonggiants more than one magnitude fainter than those which exhibit emissionin the wings of the H-alpha line. One possible interpretation of thisresult is that the transient phenomenon associated with the variableH-alpha emission does not become established until a Population II giantattains luminosities considerably greater than those at whichwell-developed chromospheres are achieved.

3883 CN band strengths for 238 metal-poor halo giants - Evidence for chemical differences between globular-cluster and halo field giants
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1992PASP..104..523L&db_key=AST

Astrometric and astrophysical discontinuities between the galactic old disk and halo stellar populations
Intermediate band, RI, and DDO photometry of the weak-lined stars in thefirst three volumes of the Michigan catalogs of spectral type arediscussed on the basis of luminosity and heavy element abundance. Theinterface between the old disk (Fe/H greater than -0.8 dex) and halo(Fe/H less than -1.2 dex) populations represents discontinuities in boththe stellar motions and the stellar physics. The CN strengths of bothevolved and unevolved halo stars decrease with decreasing temperature,in a mirror image of the increase with decreasing temperature for thedisk objects. The result for the halo giants has been attributed to deepmixing in the stellar atmospheres but the similar result for unevolveddwarfs indicates a difference in formation rather than in evolutionaryprocess of the two populations.

Estimation of stellar metal abundance. I - Calibration of the CA II K index
A method for estimating the stellar metal abundances is proposed whichcompares measures of the equivalent width of a single feature inmoderate resolution (1 A) optical spectra of stars, the Ca II K line at3933 A, with models of the predicted line strength as a function of thebroadband B-V color and Fe/H. The approach is capable of providingestimates of stellar metallicity over the range -4.5 to -1.0 with ascatter of about 0.15 dex for dwarfs and giants in the color range0.33-0.85. For cooler stars, with B-V in the range 0.85-1.1, the scattermay be as large as 0.19 dex. The calibration of the Ca II K index withFe/H is discussed, and average radial velocities and abundances arepresented for several galactic globular clusters.

Starbursts, blue stragglers, and binary stars in local superclusters and groups. II - The old disk and halo populations
A study of the distribution in the HR diagram of stars in severalold-disk population aggregates and in several halo-population aggregatesindicates that the blue straggler phenomenon is ubiquitous. In all thecases considered, several stars are found to lie far from the locusdefined by a semiempirical isochrone that best fits the distribution ofthe bulk of the stars in the aggregate. The results support thestarburst interpretation of blue stragglers in young-disk aggregates.

Population studies. II - Kinematics as a function of abundance and galactocentric position for (Fe/H) of -0.6 or less
A catalog is presented of some 1200 Galactic objects which have radialvelocities and (Fe/H) abundances of -0.6 or less. These data areanalyzed to yield information on the kinematic properties of the olderpopulations of the Galaxy and on the interdependence between kinematicsand abundance. It is found that the kinematics of the availablekinematically selected stars differ from those of the nonkinematicallyselected objects. No evidence is found for any significant difference inthe kinematic properties of the various halo subgroups, nor for anydependence of kinematics on abundance. While the rotation of the halo issmall at about 37 km/s for (Fe/H) of -1.2 or less, it rises quickly forhigher abundances to a value of about 160 km/s at (Fe/H) = 0.6. Objectsin the abundance range -0.9 to -0.6 appear to belong predominantly to apopulation possessing the kinematic characteristics of a thick disk. Theimplications of these findings for the suggestion that globular clustersbelong to the same population as the noncluster objects, for the originof the thick disk, and for the mass of the Galaxy are discussed.

The kinematics of halo red giants
The present 337 radial velocities were obtained with typical accuraciesof 0.7 cm km/sec for 85 metal-poor field red giants, selected from thekinematically unbiased samples of Bond (1980) and Bidelman and MacConnel(1973). The multiply-observed stars suggest the field halo binaryfraction exceeds 10 percent. Using these velocities and those publishedby others, a sample of 174 red giants with Fe/H of not more than -1.5 isobtained. Their mean motion with respect to the local standard of restis -206 + or - 23 km/sec, and the velocity dispersions are sigma (R) of154 + or - 18 km/sec, sigma(theta) of 102 + or - 27 km/sec, andsigma(phi) of 107 + or - 15 km/sec. Using photometrically derivedabsolute magnitudes and published proper motions, orbital eccentricitiesare computed for 72 stars not already considered in a similar study ofsouthern stars by Norris et al. (1985). A few stars with e of less than0.4 are found.

Population studies. I - The Bidelman-MacConnell 'weak-metal' stars
BRVI and DDO photometry are presented for 309 Bidelman-MacConnell'weak-metal' stars. Radial velocities are calculated for most of thestars having Fe/H abundances of no more than -0.8. The photometricobservations were carried out using the 0.6-meter and 1.0-metertelescopes of the Siding Spring Observatory. Photometric taxonomy wasused to classify the stars as dwarfs, giants, red-horizontal branchstars, and ultraviolet-bright stars, respectively. It is found that 35percent of the stars are giants; 50 percent are dwarfs; and 5 percentbelong to the red-horizontal branch group. The role of selection effectsin investigations of the formation of the Galaxy is discussed on thebasis of the photometric observations and the observational constraintsproposed by Eggen et al. (1962).

Metal-Deficient Giants in the Galactic Field - Catalogue and Some Physical Parameters
Not Available

(Fe/H) distributions, space densities and kinematics for halo stars
(Fe/H) distributions have been determined for the following four halocomponents: dwarfs, giants, globular clusters and Draco giant stars.These distributions were found to be statistically indistinguishablefrom that predicted from a simple mass loss model of chemical evolutionwith zero initial metal abundance. The space density of halo dwarfs isin excellent agreement with previous determinations while the giantdensity may be lower than that in globular clusters. Preliminary resultsshow that the kinematics of the halo dwarfs and giants are similar tothe RR Lyrae stars, i.e. the velocity dispersions are anisotropic asopposed to the isotropic dispersions recently deduced for the globularclusters.

Extremely metal-deficient red giants. I - A new objective-prism, photometric, and radial-velocity survey
Results of an extensive objective-prism survey to detect extremelymetal-deficient red giants and a subsequent investigation of thephotometric and radial velocity properties of the newly discovered starsare presented. The 132 red giants with Fe/H abundance ratios less thanor equal to -1.5 discovered in the present objective-prism survey on a10-deg prism down to B magnitudes of 11.5, and by previousobjective-prism and other surveys, are listed, together with results ofradial velocity and photometric measurements. Examination of theStromgren m1 index calibrated against high-resolution spectroscopicdeterminations of the Fe-H abundance ratio indicates that population IIIfield giants with abundance ratios less than -3 are extremely rare. TheStromgren c1 index is used as an indicator of surface gravity andanomalous CH strengths, resulting in the identification of field redhorizontal-branch stars, field asymptotic-branch giants and subgiants.Radial velocities obtained for about half the stars reveal thatessentially all of them have halo motions, and that the incidence ofspectroscopic binaries is very low.

Intermediate-band photometry of late-type stars. VIII - Nonvariable stars in the halo population near the sun
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1979ApJ...229..158E&db_key=AST

Southern subdwarf photometry
UBV photometry and normalized UV excesses are reported for 176 southernmetal-poor stars selected from the objective-prism survey of Bidelmanand MacConnell (1973) as well as 49 other metal-deficient starsidentified in other surveys. Photometry is also presented for 32 otherstars lying near the 225 program stars (although not explicitlyidentified as such in the text, the program stars are apparentlysubdwarfs and subdwarf candidates). Previously determined spectral typesand degrees of line weakening are given for the 225 stars, andmetallicities are estimated on the basis of the degrees of lineweakening. It is noted that 33 F and G stars with extreme meannormalized UV excesses of approximately 0.22 mag have a mean Fe/H valueof -1.4 and probably represent halo subdwarfs, while 82 F and G starswith moderate UV excesses are mostly old disk stars.

Intermediate-band photometry of late-type stars. V - Calibration of indices
Additional data for several stellar groups and clusters are used toimprove a previously determined provisional relation betweenM1 photometric index and the parameter /Fe/H/(solar) as wellas to test the usefulness of the C1 photometric index forluminosity determinations. The data are for 43 members of the Wolf 630group, 14 members of the 61 Cygni group, 30 members of the Arcturusgroup, 14 members of Kapteyn's star groups, and various members of theHyades, 47 Tuc, NGC2420, Omega Cen, and an anonymous group of subdwarfs.It is found that in general the values of C1 only confirm agiant or dwarf classification without yielding accurate luminosities andthat the main contribution of C1 for disk objects is inisolating peculiar stars. The results also indicate that there is aluminosity effect in M1 for the strongest-lined stars andthat the values of M1 become distorted, probably by thepresence of TiO, for R-I larger than about +0.5 magnitude. An array forinterpolating /FE/H/(solar) from (R-I, M1) is constructed byadopting mean values of /Fe/H/(solar) equal to +0.1,-0.35, -0.6, and-1.8 for the Hyades, Wolf 630, Arcturus, and Kapteyn's star groups,respectively.

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Observation and Astrometry data

Right ascension:03h22m21.61s
Apparent magnitude:9.191
Proper motion RA:30.6
Proper motion Dec:-32.8
B-T magnitude:10.349
V-T magnitude:9.287

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names
HD 1989HD 21022
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 7023-184-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0525-01140229
HIPHIP 15709

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