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HD 4841



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Large-Scale Structure and Dynamics of Cassiopeia OB7
A large region (9°×9°) surrounding the OB associationCassiopeia OB7 has been studied for signs of interaction between thestars and the ambient gas. A large half-shell has been detected in H Iaround Cas OB7, as well as in the infrared and partially in CO. Thishalf-shell covers a range of 20 km s-1 but could reach 40 kms-1 when extrapolating to the whole shell. The structure is120 pc across if located at 2 kpc, the distance to Cas OB7. At thisdistance, we estimate the mass of the shell to be approximately 30,000Msolar. Interestingly, all Cas OB7 members are located wellwithin the edge of this shell. We believe that there is a strong hint ofinteraction between the gas and the stars based on morphologicalevidence. The velocity of both objects (association and shell) and theirrespective distance are also in agreement. We explain the missing halfby an expansion into the interarm region.

The total-to-selective extinction ratio determined from near IR photometry of OB stars
The paper presents an extensive list of the total to selectiveextinction ratios R calculated from the infrared magnitudes of 597 O andB stars using the extrapolation method. The IR magnitudes of these starswere taken from the literature. The IR colour excesses are determinedwith the aid of "artificial standards" - Wegner (1994). The individualand mean values of total to selective extinction ratios R differ in mostcases from the average value R=3.10 +/-0.05 - Wegner (1993) in differentOB associations. The relation between total to selective extinctionratios R determined in this paper and those calculated using the "methodof variable extinction" and the Cardelli et al. (1989) formulae isdiscussed. The R values presented in this paper can be used to determineindividual absolute magnitudes of reddened OB stars with knowntrigonometric parallaxes.

New periodic variables from the Hipparcos epoch photometry
Two selection statistics are used to extract new candidate periodicvariables from the epoch photometry of the Hipparcos catalogue. Theprimary selection criterion is a signal-to-noise ratio. The dependenceof this statistic on the number of observations is calibrated usingabout 30000 randomly permuted Hipparcos data sets. A significance levelof 0.1 per cent is used to extract a first batch of candidate variables.The second criterion requires that the optimal frequency be unaffectedif the data are de-trended by low-order polynomials. We find 2675 newcandidate periodic variables, of which the majority (2082) are from theHipparcos`unsolved' variables. Potential problems with theinterpretation of the data (e.g. aliasing) are discussed.

Galactic B-supergiants: A non-LTE model atmosphere analysis to estimate atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions
A non-LTE model atmosphere analysis of moderate resolution (R ~ 5 000)spectra of 46 Galactic B-type supergiants is presented. Standardtechniques are adopted, viz. plane-parallel geometry and radiative andhydrostatic equilibrium. Spectroscopic atmospheric parameters (T_eff,log g & v_turb) and chemical abundances (He, C, N, O, Mg & Si)are estimated, both as a test of the validity of such an approach and inan attempt to provide consistent results for supergiants covering asignificant range of spectral types. The values of the estimatedatmospheric parameters and their dependence on the physics adopted inthe model atmospheres calculations are discussed. The absolute metalabundances are compared to those of main sequence B-type stars and, ingeneral, their chemical compositions appear to be similar. Theabundances for He, C, N & O are considered in some detail and arediscussed in the context of possible evolutionary histories for thisstellar sample. Specifically, it is found that the supergiant sample canbe subdivided into a number of evolutionarily distinct groups. The lowermass objects are predominantly chemically near-normal i.e. theirphotospheres show little or no evidence for chemical processing, whereasthe higher mass supergiants have CNO ratios which are indicative of CNand possibly NO-cycle burning. An attempt is made to quantify thedifference in nitrogen and carbon abundances between the high and lowmass targets but this is hampered by theoretical uncertainties. Thepossibilities that the most highly processed supergiants may have eitherlarger rotational velocities or have undergone mass transfer within abinary system are discussed.

Catalogue of H-alpha emission stars in the Northern Milky Way
The ``Catalogue of Stars in the Northern Milky Way Having H-alpha inEmission" appears in Abhandlungen aus der Hamburger Sternwarte, Band XIin the year 1997. It contains 4174 stars, range {32degr <= l() II< 214degr , -10degr < b() II < +10degr } having the Hαline in emission. HBH stars and stars of further 99 lists taken from theliterature till the end of 1994 were included in the catalogue. We givethe cross-identification of stars from all lists used. The catalogue isalso available in the Centre de Données, Strasbourg ftp130.79.128.5 or and at the HamburgObservatory via internet.

UBV beta Database for Case-Hamburg Northern and Southern Luminous Stars
A database of photoelectric UBV beta photometry for stars listed in theCase-Hamburg northern and southern Milky Way luminous stars surveys hasbeen compiled from the original research literature. Consisting of over16,000 observations of some 7300 stars from over 500 sources, thisdatabase constitutes the most complete compilation of such photometryavailable for intrinsically luminous stars around the Galactic plane.Over 5000 stars listed in the Case-Hamburg surveys still lackfundamental photometric data.

Catalogue of stars in the northern Milky Way having H-alpha in emission
Not Available

Spectroscopic observations of AB supergiants in M 33.
We have observed 10 luminous blue stars in M 33 at intermediatedispersion and have determined spectral types and luminosity classesfrom the blue and red spectrograms by comparing with galactic and SMCstars. Halpha_ profiles have proved to be very useful indisentangling luminosity and metallicity effects, and constitute avaluable diagnostic when comparing spectral classifications in galaxieswith different metallicities. We derive qualitative estimates of thestellar metallicities which range from solar to SMC-like and are broadlyconsistent with abundance gradient results obtained for M 33 from Hiiregion studies. Comparison of the new data for B 324 with previous workshows that there is evidence for significant spectral variabilitystrongly suggesting an LBV nature for this star.

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Galactic B-supergiants. II - Line strengths in the visible: Evidence for evolutionary effects?
Following the discovery by Lennon et al. (1992) of anomalously weakcarbon lines in the Galactic B-supergiants, a search was conducted forthe signatures of CNO processed material in the atmospheres of thesestars. It was found that the NII line strengths around spectral type B2correlate with luminosity, but exhibit a clear anticorrelation with theCII lines. It is suggested that this trend may be evidence for CNOprocessed material contaminating the atmospheres of the most luminousstars. The CNO processing signature was found to be most pronounced inthe more luminous supergiants, in qualitative agreement with stellarevolution calculations (provided that such stars have passed through aprevious red-supergiant phase of evolution).

Galactic B-supergiants. I - an atlas of O9-B9 supergiant spectra from 3950 A to 4950 A
CCD spectra are presented for supergiants of spectral types O9-B9 andluminosity subclasses Ia and Ib. They cover the wavelength region fromapproximately 3950 A to 4950 A at a resolution of 0.8 A, and normallyhave a signal-to-noise in excess of 150 at 4600 A. The spectra arediscussed in respect to their classification. A number of stars showclear evidence of the 'filling in' of hydrogen lines by emission fromthe stellar wind, while HD 190603, a B1.5 Ia(+) hypergiant, exhibits anH-beta P-Cygni type line-profile. Also reported is the finding of a newnitrogen weak star, HD 13866, in the Per OB1 association which isclassified here as BC2 Ib.

Extinction law survey based on UV ANS photometry
The paper presents an extensive survey of interstellar extinction curvesderived from the ANS photometric measurements of early type starsbelonging to our Galaxy. This survey is more extensive and deeper thanany other one, based on spectral data. The UV color excesses aredetermined with the aid of 'artificial standards', a new techniqueproposed by the authors which allows the special check of Sp/L match ofa target and the selected standard. The results indicate that extinctionlaw changes from place to place.

Groups of stars with common motion in the Galaxy. Groups of O and B stars
Not Available

A spectral survey of early-type stars in the region of Cassiopeia using an objective prism
Not Available

H-alpha as a tracer of mass loss from OB stars
This paper investigates the use of the H-alpha emission from stellarwinds of OB stars to determine the stellar mass-loss rate. The power inH-alpha emitted by the wind can be parameterized in terms of thetemperature and the density field of the wind. A simple expression isderived which relates the observed H-alpha luminosity to the stellarmass-loss rate, the stellar radius, the velocity law, and the stellareffective temperature. This expression is calibrated for the influenceof the velocity law using a sample of Galactic OB stars with UVmass-loss rates. Consequently, the results depend on the validity of theUV rates. The derived velocity law for O stars turns out to be inagreement with the radiation-pressure-driven wind theory. There isevidence for a dependence of the velocity-law gradient on spectral type.The results for B stars, however, are more uncertain due to thedependence on the adopted mass accretion rate/L relation. Application ofthe calibrated H-alpha luminosity/mass-loss rate relation to a sample of149 galactic OB stars shows that mass accretion rate can be reliablydetermined from H-alpha. Due to the moderate amount of observing timerequired to derive mass accretion rate from H-alpha, this method may beapplied successfully to investigate mass-loss effects in extra-Galacticstars.

UBV photoelectric catalogue (1986). II - Analysis
The UBV photoelectric data of the stars presenting several entries inthe 1986 edition of the UBV catalog have been systematicallyintercompared, and this paper presents a discussion of the stars forwhich discrepancies larger than 0.2 mag were found. Thirty-six probablyvariable stars have been detected, among which 18 are Be stars. Sixtyfurther stars present differences in the V magnitude larger than 0.2mag. Sixteen stars already appear in the NSV catalog. Although manyproblems are probably due to poor observations, new (eclipsing) variablestars may be found in this sample. Complete disagreement is foundbetween the values published from two independent sources in 34 cases. Afirst analysis of the quality of the UBV data shows that 65 percent ofthe differences in the V magnitude and in U-B color, for respectively11,500 and 7200 stars with two sources of data, are smaller than 0.04.The scatter on the B-V index appears to be smaller, since the samepercentage reaches 79 percent.

UBV Photoelectric Photometry Catalogue (1986). III Errors and Problems on DM and HD Stars
Not Available

A Survey of the Yellow / Red Interstellar Diffuse Spectrum Lines
Not Available

The interstellar 217 NM band - A third catalogue of equivalent widths
A catalog of equivalent widths of the 217 nm interstellar absorptionband as well as other parameters characterizing the extinction curve inthe ultraviolet has been compiled for 790 O and B stars. A relativelytight correlation between the equivalent width of the 217 nm band andE(B-V) indicates that the absorber of this band is connected with thepopulation of larger interstellar grains responsible for the visualextinction. The parameter characterizing the amount of extinction in thefar UV is only weakly correlated with E(B-V), a result in accord withthe assumption that a second population of very small grains causes therapid increase of the far-UV extinction.

Observations of interstellar diffuse absorption band at 4430 A
Observations of the interstellar diffuse absorption band at 4430 A for800 O and B stars in Neckel's (1967) catalog are being carried out, and482 spectra obtained up to September 1983 have been reduced. It isconfirmed that the strength of the interstellar diffuse absorption bandat 4430 A does not simply relate to the abundance of interstellar grainson the line of sight. The relation between the color excess E(B-V) andthe equivalent width of the band to the direction of l = 130-140 deg andb = -5 to +5 deg shows that some parameter(s) other than E(B-V) is (are)needed to understand the cause of this band.

Catalog of O-B stars observed with Tokyo Meridian Circle
A catalog of the O-B stars, selected from 'Blaauw-Parenago' list andRubin's catalog, has been compiled on the FK4 system by the observationsmade with Gautier 8-inch Meridian Circle at the Tokyo AstronomicalObservatory during the period, 1971 to 1979. It contains 1059 stars andwas compiled for the future establishment of high precision propermotions of O-B stars.

Early-type stars in OB associations in the infrared. I Extinction law and IR excesses
Observations have been made of 82 early-type stars of OB associations inthe infrared (JHKLM). The law of interstellar extinction isinvestigated. The empirical reddening curve (with R = 3.13) is found tobe in close agreement with van de Hulst's (1949) theoretical curve No.15. This law is generally valid for the OB associations considered. Themeasured infrared magnitudes were dereddened with this extinction law,and compared with the prediction of model atmospheres. Significantinfrared excesses due to circumstellar free-free radiation are found fora large number of stars. The strongest IR excess (about 0.5 mag in M) isfound for the Of-type stars HD 108, HD 151804, and HD 152408. In late Bsupergiants no significant excess radiation is detectable. However, thevery luminous hypergiants HD 168607 and HD 168625 do show excessradiation of about 0.2 mag in M.

A study of B-type supergiants with the uvby,beta photometric system
The applicability of the uvby,beta photometric system to theclassification and study of B-type supergiants (BTS) is investigatedusing published data on 157 BTS and observations of 17 BTS made with the36-in. reflector at McDonald Observatory. The results are presented intabular form and analyzed to produce preliminary calibrations ofluminosity class vs. beta index and of absolute magnitude (Mv) vs. beta(or delta Mv vs. delta beta) for four associations of stars. Theeffectiveness of various color indices as temperature indicators isdiscussed. It is shown that there is good correspondence between MK anduvby,beta classifications of B-type main-sequence stars, giants, andBTS, confirming the usefulness of the uvby,beta system in furtherresearch on BTS.

New UBVRI photometry for 900 supergiants
A description is presented of the results obtained in connection with asystematic program of supergiant photometry on the Johnson UBVRI system.During the eight years after the start of the program, almost 1000 starshave been observed, about 400 three or more times each. The originalselection of stars used the spectral type catalog of Jaschek et al.(1964) to choose supergiants. Since observations were possible from bothChile and Canada, no declination limits were imposed, and no particularselection criteria were imposed other than to eliminate carbon stars.These are so red as to require enormous extrapolations of thetransformation equations.

A survey of interstellar neutral potassium. I - Abundances and physical conditions in clouds toward 188 early-type stars
Observations of interstellar absorption in the resonance doublet 7664,7698 A of neutral potassium toward 188 early-type stars at a spectralresolution of 8 km/s are reported. The 7664 A line is successfullyseparated from nearly coincident telluric O2 absorption for all but afew of the 165 stars for which K I absorption is detected, makingpossible an abundance analysis by the doublet ratio method. Therelationships between the potassium abundances and other atomicabundances, the abundance of molecular hydrogen, and interstellarreddening are investigated.

The predicted 1s2-1s6p H/-/ auto-ionization resonance observed as a diffuse interstellar line at 7581 A
The 1s2-ls6p H auto-ionization resonance has been observed as a diffuseinterstellar line in several highly reddened 0 and B stars. Theidentification based on its wavelength has been confirmed by itsequivalent width in HD 183143. The addition of the 1s2-Isnp diffuse-lineseries raises the total H - oscillator strength of absorption to a valueclose to 2

Studies of luminous stars in nearby galaxies. I. Supergiants and O stars in the Milky Way.
Abstract image available at:

New diffuse interstellar bands in the wavelength region 6500-8900 A
The coude spectrograph of the 2.7-m telescope at McDonald Observatoryhas been used with a Reticon detector to search for diffuse interstellarfeatures in the wavelength region 6500-8900 A. Low-resolution (0.92 A)spectra of 15 spectral-type O, B, and A stars with color excessesranging from E(B - V) equals 0.00 to 1.28 were recorded. These spectrashow the previously detected features in this wavelength region at 6613,6661, and 8621 A; confirm the interstellar nature of a previouslysuspected feature at 6699 A; and show several new features: at 7562 A ofdefinite, at 7570, 8650 A of probable, and at 8572, 8384 A of possibleinterstellar origin. Correlations between diffuse-feature equivalentwidths and color excess are presented. As in the near-ultraviolet, thefrequency of occurrence of diffuse features in the near-infrared perunit energy interval is much less than in the visual.

Circular polarization observations of the interstellar magnetic field
Abstract image available at:

Spectroscopic observations of the candidate star coincident with A0620-00
Several spectra of the optical object identified with the X-ray flaresource A0620-00 have been obtained at 5 A/mm with the Cassegrain echellespectrograph on the 4-m Mayall telescope at Kitt Peak NationalObservatory. These spectra reveal no significant stellar lines, but theflux distribution in the range 4250-7400 A, dereddened for a colorexcess of 0.9 mag, is similar to that of an O star. The color excess,which is derived from the observed strength of the 5780-A diffuseinterstellar band, and the velocities and strengths of the interstellarNa I D lines imply that the object is between 1.5 and 2.5 kpc from thesun. If a distance of 2 kpc is adopted, then the luminosity of thesource in the observed wavelength region is roughly 5 by 10 to the 35thpower erg/s. The possibility that this object is a slow nova isdiscussed.

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Datos observacionales y astrométricos

Ascensión Recta:00h51m25.93s
Magnitud Aparente:6.921
Distancia:10000000 parsecs
Movimiento Propio en Ascensión Recta:-1.7
Movimiento Propio en Declinación:-0.8
B-T magnitude:7.489
V-T magnitude:6.968

Catálogos y designaciones:
Nombres Propios
HD 1989HD 4841
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 4025-1934-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1500-00891869

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