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TYC 5422-1274-1



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Recent Minima of 146 Eclipsing Binary Stars
This paper continues the publication of times of minima for eclipsingbinary stars from observations reported to the AAVSO Eclipsing BinarySection. Times of minima from observations made from October 2010 thruMarch 2011, along with a few unpublished times of minima from olderdata, are presented.

Random forest automated supervised classification of Hipparcos periodic variable stars
We present an evaluation of the performance of an automatedclassification of the Hipparcos periodic variable stars into 26 types.The sub-sample with the most reliable variability types available in theliterature is used to train supervised algorithms to characterize thetype dependencies on a number of attributes. The most useful attributesevaluated with the random forest methodology include, in decreasingorder of importance, the period, the amplitude, the V-I colour index,the absolute magnitude, the residual around the folded light-curvemodel, the magnitude distribution skewness and the amplitude of thesecond harmonic of the Fourier series model relative to that of thefundamental frequency. Random forests and a multi-stage scheme involvingBayesian network and Gaussian mixture methods lead to statisticallyequivalent results. In standard 10-fold cross-validation (CV)experiments, the rate of correct classification is between 90 and 100per cent, depending on the variability type. The main mis-classificationcases, up to a rate of about 10 per cent, arise due to confusion betweenSPB and ACV blue variables and between eclipsing binaries, ellipsoidalvariables and other variability types. Our training set and thepredicted types for the other Hipparcos periodic stars are availableonline.

Recent Minima of 144 Eclipsing Binary Stars
This paper continues the publication of times of minima for eclipsingbinary stars from observations reported to the AAVSO Eclipsing BinarySection. Times of minima from observations made from March 2010 throughSeptember 2010, along with a few unpublished times of minima from olderdata, are presented.

Recent Maxima of 56 Short Period Pulsating Stars
This paper contains times of maxima for 56 short period pulsating stars(primarily RR Lyrae and delta Scuti stars). This represents a portion ofthe CCD observations received by the AAVSO Short Period Pulsator (SPP)section in 2010 along with some earlier data.

Recent CCD Minima of 185 Eclipsing Binary Stars
This paper continues the publication of times of minima for eclipsingbinary stars from observations reported to the AAVSO Eclipsing Binarysection. Times of minima from observations made from September 2009through February 2010 are presented.

The most plausible explanation of the cyclic period changes in close binaries: the case of the RS CVn-type binary WW Dra
Cyclic period changes are a fairly common phenomenon in close binarysystems and are usually explained as being caused either by the magneticactivity of one or both components or by the light travel time effect(LTTE) of a third body. We searched the orbital period changes in 182EA-type (including the 101 Algol systems used by Hall), 43 EB-type and53 EW-type binaries with known mass ratio and spectral type of thesecondary component. We reproduced and improved the diagram in Hallaccording to the new collected data. Our plots do not support theconclusion derived by Hall that cyclic period changes are restricted tobinaries having a secondary component with spectral type later than F5.The presence of period changes among systems with a secondary componentof early type indicates that magnetic activity is one, but not the only,cause of the period variation. It is discovered that cyclic periodchanges, probably resulting from the presence of a third body, are morefrequent in EW-type binaries among close systems. Therefore, the mostplausible explanation of the cyclic period changes is the LTTE throughthe presence of a third body. Using the century-long historical recordof the times of light minimum, we analysed the cyclic period change inthe Algol binary WW Dra. It is found that the orbital period of thebinary shows a ~112.2-yr cyclic variation with an amplitude of ~0.1977d.The cyclic oscillation can be attributed to the LTTE by means of a thirdbody with a mass no less than 6.43Msolar. However, nospectral lines of the third body were discovered, indicating that it maybe a candidate black hole. The third body is orbiting the binary at adistance closer than 14.4 au and may play an important role in theevolution of this system.

Recent Minima of 154 Eclipsing Binary Stars
This paper continues the publication of times of minima for eclipsingbinary stars from observations reported to the AAVSO Eclipsing BinaryCommittee. Times of minima from observations made from September 2008through February 2009 are presented.

Recent Minima of 155 Eclipsing Binary Stars
The AAVSO's publication of times of minima for eclipsing binary stars has shifted from the recent publication series, Observed Minima Timings of Eclipsing Binaries, Number 1-12, back to the JAAVSO. Times of minima fromobservations made in the past eight months are presented. New lightelements for AC CMi have been calculated from recent AAVSO observations:Min(JD) = 2451978.7504 + 0.867216691 E± 0.0004 ± 0.00000024

The Case for Third Bodies as the Cause of Period Changes in Selected Algol Systems
Many eclipsing binary star systems show long-term variations in theirorbital periods, evident in their O-C (observed minus calculated period)diagrams. With data from the Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment(ROTSE-I) compiled in the SkyDOT database, New Mexico State University 1m data, and recent American Association of Variable Star Observers(AAVSO) data, we revisit Borkovits and Hegedüs's best-casecandidates for third-body effects in eclipsing binaries: AB And, TV Cas,XX Cep, and AK Her. We also examine the possibility of a third bodyorbiting Y Cam. Our new data support their suggestion that a third bodyis present in all systems except AK Her, as is revealed by thesinusoidal variations of the O-C residuals. Our new data suggest that athird body alone cannot explain the variations seen in the O-C residualsof AK Her. We also provide a table of 143 eclipsing binary systems thathave historical AAVSO O-C data with new values computed from the SkyDOTdatabase.

A catalogue of eclipsing variables
A new catalogue of 6330 eclipsing variable stars is presented. Thecatalogue was developed from the General Catalogue of Variable Stars(GCVS) and its textual remarks by including recently publishedinformation about classification of 843 systems and making correspondingcorrections of GCVS data. The catalogue1 represents thelargest list of eclipsing binaries classified from observations.

SB9: The ninth catalogue of spectroscopic binary orbits
The Ninth Catalogue of Spectroscopic Binary Orbits( continues the series of compilations ofspectroscopic orbits carried out over the past 35 years by Batten andcollaborators. As of 2004 May 1st, the new Catalogue holds orbits for2386 systems. Some essential differences between this catalogue and itspredecessors are outlined and three straightforward applications arepresented: (1) completeness assessment: period distribution of SB1s andSB2s; (2) shortest periods across the H-R diagram; (3)period-eccentricity relation.

Up-to-Date Linear Elements of Eclipsing Binaries
About 1800 O-C diagrams of eclipsing binaries were analyzed and up-todate linear elements were computed. The regularly updated ephemerides(as a continuation of SAC) are available only in electronic form at theInternet address:

Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics
The Catalogue, available at the Centre de Données Stellaires deStrasbourg, consists of 13 573 records concerning the results obtainedfrom different methods for 7778 stars, reported in the literature. Thefollowing data are listed for each star: identifications, apparentmagnitude, spectral type, apparent diameter in arcsec, absolute radiusin solar units, method of determination, reference, remarks. Commentsand statistics obtained from CADARS are given. The Catalogue isavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp ( or via

Stars with the Largest Hipparcos Photometric Amplitudes
A list of the 2027 stars that have the largest photometric amplitudes inHipparcos Photometry shows that most variable stars are all Miras. Thepercentage of variable types change as a function of amplitude. Thiscompilation should also be of value to photometrists looking forrelatively unstudied, but large amplitude stars.

On the nature of the AM phenomenon or on a stabilization and the tidal mixing in binaries. I. Orbital periods and rotation.
The paper casts a questioning eye on the unique role of the diffusiveparticle transport mechanism in explaining the Am phenomenon and arguesthat the so-called tidal effects might be of great importance incontrolling diffusion processes. A short period cutoff at =~1.2d as wellas a 180-800d gap were found in the orbital period distribution (OPD) ofAm binaries. The existence of the former can be ascribed to the state ofthe primaries with the almost-filled Roche lobes. The latter couldresult from the combined effects of the diffusion, tidal mixing andstabilization processes. Because the tidal mixing might surpassdiffusion in the binaries with the orbital periods P_orb_ less thanseveral hundred days and might thus sustain the He convection zone,which would otherwise disappear, no Am stars should lie below thisboundary. The fact that they are nevertheless seen there implies theexistence of some stabilization mechanism (as, e.g., that recentlyproposed by Tassoul & Tassoul 1992) for the binaries with orbitalperiods less than 180d. Further evidence is given to the fact that theOPD for the Am and the normal binaries with an A4-F1 primary arecomplementary to each other, from which it stems that Am stars are closeto the main sequence. There are, however, indications that they haveslightly larger radii (2.1-3 Rsun_) than expected for theirspectral type. The generally accepted rotational velocity cutoff at=~100km/s is shown to be of little value when applied on Am binaries ashere it is not a single quantity but, in fact, a function of P_orb_whose shape is strikingly similar to that of the curves of constantmetallicity as ascertained from observations. This also leads to thewell known overlap in rotational velocities of the normal and Am starsfor 402.5d.We have exploited this empirical cutoff function to calibrate thecorresponding turbulent diffusion coefficient associated with tidalmixing, having found out that the computed form of the lines of constantturbulence fits qualitatively the empirical shape of the curves ofconstant metallicity. As for larger orbital periods(20d55km/s found by Burkhart(1979) would then be nothing but a manifestation of insufficientlypopulated corresponding area of larger P_orb_.

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Period-Finding Methods, Techniques and Applications to Variable Stars Observations
The problem of finding periods of variable stars is considered and it'smain methods are generally reviewed. Special attention has been devotedto three methods based on Fourier transform. These methods have beencoded in Fortran and have been applied to data of three eclipsingbinaries (AD Cnc, UZ Pup and? Per), three? Scuti stars (HR1170, HR 1223 and RY Lep) and one spectroscopic binary (RS Sag). Themethods have been tested, compared and evaluated concerning their speed,resolution and sensitivity. It has been found that data exhibitingirregular variations lead to erroneous periods. To save computing timeand to avoid any spurious period a practical procedure for periodfinding is proposed with an effective approach for period refinement.The revised and refined periods for the above stated variables have beendiscussed with comparison to the ones given in literatures and they canbe adopted for future work. Some of these variables have been found toshow variations in both their periods and amplitudes.

Synthetic analysis of light curves of the close binary system UZ Puppis
BV light curves obtained by Bookmyer (1985) have been analyzed withYamasaki's synthetic technique. As some small difference exists betweenthe light maxima, analysis has been made for the first and the secondhalf of light curve, separately. The result indicates that systemparameters deduced from the second half give a better fitting withsmaller O-C residuals. These parameters reveal that UZ Pup is contact tothe Roche lobe.

B and V light curves of UZ Puppis
The eclipsing binary system UZ Pup was observed on five consecutivenights with the facilities at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory.The observations covering the eclipse portions of the curves yielded twoepochs of minimum light. A study of the period of the system indicatesthat it has probably remained constant for more than 50 years. The lightcurves, defined by 431 observations with the B filter and 426 with the Vfilter, are beta Lyrae-type in appearance, and they are asymmetric. Themaximum following primary conjunction is brighter than that followingsecondary conjunction. The system becomes redder during primary eclipse,which is a transit, and there appears to be a slight reddening beforeand after secondary minimum.

Photoelectric Light Curves of UZ Puppis
Not Available

Statistics of categorized eclipsing binary systems Lightcurve shapes, periods, and spectral types
The statistics of the light curve morphologies, eclipse depths, orbitalperiods, and spectral types of about 1000 eclipsing binary systems areexamined, after attempting to subdivide these binaries into variousbasic evolutionary categories. The applicability of statisticalcriteria, based on light curve morphologies and eclipse depths, for thecategorization of eclipsing binaries has been found more limited thanpreviously believed. In particular, EW-type light curves turn out to begood indicators of contact systems (though not conversely), while EA-and EB-type light curves have little physical significance. Moreover,the study reveals a strong deficit of short-period noncontact systems inthe whole spectral range, together with an underabundance of early-typecontact binaries (compared with the number of late-type contact pairs).Interestingly, the distribution of evolved Algol-type systems isshifted, on average, to periods longer than those of unevolved detachedsystems in the OB and early A spectral range (and to shorter periods inthe F spectral range).

A uvby, beta photometric survey of southern hemisphere
A uvby, beta photometric study of southern hemisphere eclipsing binarystars has been undertaken at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory.The standardized colors and V magnitudes for 288 binaries at quadratureand/or at minimum are presented, along with an indication of theaccuracy of the standardization and photometry. Discussions of theresolving time of the pulse-counting photometers and of the atmosphericextinction at CTIO are included.

Photoelectric Epochs of Minimum Light, UZ Puppis
Not Available

Close binary systems before and after mass transfer. III - Spectroscopic binaries
A method is presented, for the computation of absolute dimensions fromspectroscopic data on binary systems, which has been adapted for usewith the 7th Catalogue of Batten et al. (1978) and takes into accountseveral results of close binary evolution, with emphasis on the phase ofslow mass transfer during a case B mass transfer. Among the unevolvedsystems, the mass transfer case B is found to be the most abundant typeof interaction. In the set of evolving systems, a subset of 18interacting systems was found with mass ratio near unity, the first starbeing the mass loser as well as the brightest.

Times of Minima for Southern Hemisphere Eclipsing Binaries
Not Available

A catalogue of parameters for eclipsing binaries
Not Available

A comparison of the orbital inclinations of the spatially close spectroscopic double stars
The reported investigation takes into account 888 spectroscopicbinaries. It was possible to obtain 120 groups whose elements arespatially close according to the given definition. These 120 groupscontain 313 spectroscopic binaries. 136 of these binaries are 2-spectrumsystems, 177 are 1-spectrum systems, and 62 are eclipsing binaries. Thenumber of systems with known luminosity class is 54. The spectraldistribution of the 313 systems is discussed. The orbital inclinationsand other parameters are presented in a table.

The significance of binaries with nearly identical components
The distribution of the mass ratios of double-lined spectroscopicbinaries is investigated, and a narrow peak at q of about 0.97 is foundafter observational errors have been corrected for. A variety ofobservational and theoretical arguments are then used to demonstratethat this peak cannot be explained as being due to the effects of eitherevolution or selection. The peak is therefore interpreted as implyingthat many close binaries (P less than about 25 days) with intermediateand small total masses are formed by a mechanism that, in its idealform, would create binaries with identical components. Recentcalculations suggest that this mechanism be identified with binaryformation by fragmentation during the final dynamical-collapse phase ofa rotating protostar's pre-main-sequence evolution.

Seventh catalogue of the orbital elements of spectroscopic binary systems.
Not Available

Visual minima of eclipsing binaries from Cracow observations 1920-1950.
Not Available

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Datos observacionales y astrométricos

Ascensión Recta:07h41m46.12s
Magnitud Aparente:9.553
Movimiento Propio en Ascensión Recta:0.3
Movimiento Propio en Declinación:-2.7
B-T magnitude:10.039
V-T magnitude:9.594

Catálogos y designaciones:
Nombres Propios
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 5422-1274-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0750-04945485
HIPHIP 37497

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