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HD 184308



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The Origins and Evolutionary Status of B Stars Found Far from the Galactic Plane. II. Kinematics and Full Sample Analysis
This paper continues the analysis of faint high-latitude B stars fromMartin. Here we analyze the kinematics of the stars and combine themwith the abundance information from the first paper to classify eachone. The sample contains 31 Population I runaways, 15 old evolved stars(including 5 blue horizontal-branch [BHB] stars, 3 post-HB stars, 1pulsating helium dwarf, and 6 stars of ambiguous classification), 1 Fdwarf, and 2 stars that do not easily fit in one of the othercategories. No star in the sample unambiguously shows thecharacteristics of a young massive star formed in situ in the halo. Thetwo unclassified stars are probably extreme Population I runaways. Thelow binary frequency and rotational velocity distribution of thePopulation I runaways imply that most were ejected from dense starclusters by the dynamic ejection scenario. However, we remain puzzled bythe lack of runaway Be stars. We also confirm that PB 166 and HIP 41979are both nearby solar-metallicity BHB stars.Based on observations made at the 2.1 m Otto Struve Telescope ofMcDonald Observatory, operated by the University of Texas at Austin.

CaII K interstellar observations towards early-type disc and halo stars - distances to intermediate- and high-velocity clouds
We compare existing high spectral resolution(R=λ/Δλ~ 40000) CaII K observations(λair= 3933.66 Å) towards 88 mainly B-typestars, and new observations taken using the Intermediate dispersionSpectrograph and Imaging System (ISIS) on the William Herschel Telescopeat R~ 10000 towards three stars taken from the Palomar-Green Survey,with 21-cm HI emission-line profiles, in order to search for opticalabsorption towards known intermediate- and high-velocity cloudcomplexes. Given certain assumptions, limits to the gas phase abundanceof CaII are estimated for the cloud components. We use the data toderive the following distances from the Galactic plane (z). (i)Tentative lower z-height limits of 2800 and 4100 pc towards complex Cusing lack of absorption in the spectra of HD341617 and PG0855+294,respectively. (ii) A weak lower z-height of 1400 pc towards complexWA-WB using lack of absorption in EC09470-1433 and a weak lower limit of2470 pc using lack of absorption in EC09452-1403. (iii) An upperz-height of 2470 pc towards a southern intermediate-velocity cloud (IVC)with vLSR=-55 km s-1 using PG2351+198. (iv)Detection of a possible IVC in CaII absorption at vLSR=+52 kms-1 using EC20104-2944. No associated HI in emission isdetected. At this position, normal Galactic rotation predicts velocitiesof up to ~+25 km s-1. The detection puts an upper z-height of1860 pc to the cloud. (v) Tentative HI and CaII K detections towards anIVC at ~+70 km s-1 in the direction of high-velocity cloud(HVC) complex WE, sightline EC06387-8045, indicating that the IVC may beat a z-height lower than 1770 pc. (vi) Detection of CaII K absorption inthe spectrum of PG0855+294 in the direction of IV20, indicating thatthis IVC has a z-height smaller than 4100 pc. (vii) A weak lowerz-height of 4300 pc towards a small HVC with vLSR=+115 kms-1 at l, b= 200°, + 52°, using lack of absorption inthe CaII K spectrum of PG0955+291.

CaII K interstellar observations towards early-type disc and halo stars
We present high-resolution (R=λ/Δλ~ 40000) CaII Kinterstellar observations (λair= 3933.66Å)towards 88 mainly B-type stars, of which 74 are taken from theEdinburgh-Cape or Palomar-Green surveys, and 81 have |b| > 25°.The majority of the data come from previously existing spectroscopy,although also included are 18 new observations of stars with echellespectra taken with UVES on the Very Large Telescope UT2 (Kueyen). Some49 of the sample stars have distance estimates above the Galactic plane(|z|) >= 1 kpc, and are thus good probes of the halo interstellarmedium. Of the 362 interstellar Ca K components that we detect, 75 (21per cent) have absolute values of their LSR velocity values exceeding 40km s-1. In terms of the deviation velocity for the sightlineswith distance estimates, 46/273 (17 per cent) of components havevelocity values exceeding those predicted by standard Galactic rotationby more than 40 km s-1. Combining this data set with previousobservations, we find that the median value of the reduced equivalentwidth (REW) of stars with |z| >= 1 kpc (EW×sin|b|) is ~115mÅ (n= 80), similar to that observed in extragalactic sightlinesby Bowen. Using data of all z distances, the REW at infinity is found tobe ~130 mÅ, with the scaleheight (l) of the CaII K column densitydistribution being ~800 pc (n= 196) and reduced column density atinfinity of log[N(CaII K) cm-2]~12.24. This implies that ~30per cent of CaII K absorption occurs at distances exceeding ~1 kpc. Fornine sightlines with distance exceeding 1 kpc and with a companionobject within 5°, we find that all but two have values of CaIIreduced equivalent width the same to within ~20 per cent, when the REWof the nearest object is extrapolated to the distance of the further ofthe pair, and assuming l= 800 pc. For 29 of our sightlines with |z|>= 1 kpc and a HI detection from the Leiden-Dwingeloo survey(beamsize of 0.5°), we find log(N(CaII K)/N(HI)) ranging from -7.4to -8.4. Values of the CaII K abundance relative to neutral hydrogen(log[N(CaIIK)cm-2]-log[N(HI)cm-2]) are found to bemore than ~0.5dex higher in stars with distances exceeding ~100 pc, whencompared with the (log[N(CaII K) cm-2]-log[N(Htot) cm-2]) values found in nearbysightlines such as those in Wakker & Mathis (2000). Finally, stellarCaII K equivalent widths of the sample are determined for 26 objects.

Model atmosphere and kinematical analyses of early-type stars from the Edinburgh-Cape Survey
We present high-resolution spectroscopic observations of 21 B-typestars, selected from the Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey. Modelatmosphere analyses confirm that 14 of these stars are young,main-sequence B-type objects with Population I chemical compositions.The remaining seven are found to be evolved objects, includingsubdwarfs, horizontal branch and post-AGB objects. A kinematicalanalysis shows that all 14 young main-sequence stars could have formedin the disc and subsequently been ejected into the halo. These resultsare combined with the analysis of a previous subsample of stars takenfrom the Survey. Of the complete sample, 31 have been found to be young,main-sequence objects, with formation in the disc, and subsequentejection into the halo, again being found to be a plausible scenario.

Metallicity estimates for A-, F-, and G-type stars from the Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey
The Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey is an ongoing project to identifyand analyse a large sample of hot stars selected initially on the basisof photographic colours (down to a magnitude limit \fontshape{it}{B}\sim 18.0) over the entirehigh-Galactic-latitude southern sky, and then studied with broad-bandUBV photometry and medium-resolution spectroscopy. Due to unavoidableerrors in the initial candidate selection, stars that are likelymetal-deficient dwarfs and giants of the halo and thick-disc populationsare inadvertently included, yet are of interest in their own right. Inthis paper we discuss a total of 206 candidate metal-deficient dwarfs,subgiants, giants, and horizontal-branch stars with photoelectriccolours redder than (\fontshape{it}{B}-\fontshape{it}{V})0=0.3, andwith available spectroscopy. Radial velocities, accurate to~10-15kms-1, are presented for all of these stars.Spectroscopic metallicity estimates for these stars are obtained using arecently recalibrated relation between CaII K-line strength and(\fontshape{it}{B}-\fontshape{it}{V})0 colour.The identification of metal-poor stars from this colour-selectiontechnique is remarkably efficient, and competitive with previous surveymethods. An additional sample of 186 EC stars with photoelectric coloursin the range -0.4\leq(\fontshape{it}{B}-\fontshape{it}{V})0<0.3, composedprimarily of field horizontal-branch stars and other, higher gravity, A-and B-type stars, is also analysed. Estimates of the physical parametersTeff, logg, and [Fe/H] are obtained for cooler members ofthis subsample, and a number of candidate RR Lyrae variables areidentified.

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Datos observacionales y astrométricos

Ascensión Recta:19h38m45.76s
Magnitud Aparente:9.433
Movimiento Propio en Ascensión Recta:5.7
Movimiento Propio en Declinación:-5.3
B-T magnitude:9.429
V-T magnitude:9.433

Catálogos y designaciones:
Nombres Propios
HD 1989HD 184308
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 9306-68-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0150-19136499
HIPHIP 96624

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