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HD 12409



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Lithium abundances and rotational behavior for bright giant stars
Aims.We study the links possibly existing between the lithium content ofbright giant stars and their rotational velocity. Methods: .Weperformed a spectral analysis of 145 bright giant stars (luminosityclass II) spanning the spectral range from F3 to K5. All these starshave homogeneous rotational velocity measurements available in theliterature. Results: .For all the stars of the sample, we provideconsistent lithium abundances (A_Li), effective temperatures (T_eff),projected rotational velocity (v sin i), mean metallicity ([Fe/H]),stellar mass, and an indication of the stellar multiplicity. The gradualdecrease in lithium abundance with T_eff is confirmed for bright giantstars, and it points to a dilution factor that is at least assignificant as in giant stars. From the F to K spectral types, the A_Lispans at least three orders of magnitude, reflecting the effects ofstellar mass and evolution on dilution. Conclusions: .We find thatthe behavior of A_Li as a function of v sin i in bright giant starspresents the same trend as is observed in giants and subgiants: starswith high A_Li are moderate or fast rotators, while stars with low A_Lishow a wide range of v sin i values.

The reddening, metal abundance, and luminosity of high-luminosity G-type stars
The abundance parameters of the sample of 100 G-type bright giants andsupergiants whose photometry is presently discussed indicate Fe/H valuesof between about + 0.6 dex and the solar value, using a preliminarycalibration of the photometric indices. The few long period Cepheidsthat are not heavily blanketed F-type stars give reddening values thatare in agreement with current results from other methods of analysis.Supergiants show no clear gradients in the galactic distribution ofabundances, and those nearest the sun range from an Fe/H of about + 0.3dex, for members of the Pleiades Group, to near solar abundance. A smallsample of Large Magellanic Cloud supergiants shows nearly the same rangein metal abundance as the galactic stars, and gives a modulus for thisCloud of 18.3 + or - 0.20 mag.

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Observation and Astrometry data

Right ascension:02h00m38.20s
Apparent magnitude:8.717
Distance:1315.789 parsecs
Proper motion RA:-6
Proper motion Dec:2.2
B-T magnitude:9.862
V-T magnitude:8.812

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names
HD 1989HD 12409
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 7550-55-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0450-00690342

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