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HD 224424



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מאמרים קשורים

A systematic study of variability among OB-stars based on HIPPARCOS photometry
Context: Variability is a key factor for understanding the nature of themost massive stars, the OB stars. Such stars lie closest to the unstableupper limit of star formation. Aims: In terms of statistics, thedata from the HIPPARCOS satellite are unique because of time coverageand uniformity. They are ideal to study variability in this large,uniform sample of OB stars. Methods: We used statisticaltechniques to determine an independant threshold of variabilitycorresponding to our sample of OB stars, and then applied an automaticalgorithm to search for periods in the data of stars that are locatedabove this threshold. We separated the sample stars into 4 maincategories of variability: 3 intrinsic and 1 extrinsic. The intrinsiccategories are: OB main sequence stars (~2/3 of the sample), OBe stars(~10%) and OB Supergiant stars (~1/4).The extrinsic category refers toeclipsing binaries. Results: We classified about 30% of the wholesample as variable, although the fraction depends on magnitude level dueto instrumental limitations. OBe stars tend to be much more variable(≈80%) than the average sample star, while OBMS stars are belowaverage and OBSG stars are average. Types of variables include αCyg, β Cep, slowly pulsating stars and other types from the generalcatalog of variable stars. As for eclipsing binaries, there arerelatively more contact than detached systems among the OBMS and OBestars, and about equal numbers among OBSG stars.

Dust properties along anomalous extinction sightlines
The large majority of extinction curves in our own Galaxy obey to asimple relation depending on one parameter, the total-to-selectiveextinction coefficient, RV. Different values of RVare able to match the whole extinction curve through differentenvironments. However, anomalous curves still exist in our own Galaxy.In this paper, we aim at analysing the behaviour of some anomalousextinction curves in order to shed light into both the properties of thedust and the physical properties of their environments. From thecatalogue of Savage et al., by adding the infrared data from Two-MicronAll-Sky Survey catalogue, 84 lines of sight (i.e. ~=11 per cent) havebeen selected which deviate at the 2? level from the normalextinction law corresponding to their best-fitting RV value.We single out a subsample of 20 lines of sight to analyse theirultraviolet (UV) deviations, in particular, at ? = 0.22 and0.15?m, which correspond to the bump and the far-UV rise. The linesof sight with bump lower and far-UV rise higher than their normalextinction law are defined as type A anomalous lines, and those withbump higher and far-UV rise lower as type B anomalous lines. The resultshere discussed are derived from extinction curve models. A anomaloustypes require small-to-large grain-size ratios larger than the normalcurves both for silicates and carbonaceous grains; B curves also requirelarger ratios for carbonaceous ones but lower ratios for silicatesgrains. In order to interpret these results, the environments of type Acurves require low-velocity shocks in order to make effective thegrain-grain collisions, which increase the number of both small silicateand carbonaceous grains. However, type B lines of sight would becharacterized by relatively high-velocity shocks, implying a sputteringprocess which sensibly destroys small silicate grains while it producesonly a partial destruction of the carbonaceous ones with the consequenceof increasing the number of these smaller particles.

Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system.
Not Available

New Estimates of the Solar-Neighborhood Massive Star Birthrate and the Galactic Supernova Rate
The birthrate of stars of masses >=10 Msolar is estimatedfrom a sample of just over 400 O3-B2 dwarfs within 1.5 kpc of the Sunand the result extrapolated to estimate the Galactic supernova ratecontributed by such stars. The solar-neighborhood Galactic-plane massivestar birthrate is estimated at ~176 stars kpc-3Myr-1. On the basis of a model in which the Galactic stellardensity distribution comprises a ``disk+central hole'' like that of thedust infrared emission (as proposed by Drimmel and Spergel), theGalactic supernova rate is estimated at probably not less than ~1 normore than ~2 per century and the number of O3-B2 dwarfs within the solarcircle at ~200,000.

Total to Selective Extinction Ratios and Visual Extinctions from Ultraviolet Data
We present determinations of the total to selective extinction ratio R_Vand visual extinction A_V values for Milky Way stars using ultravioletcolor excesses. We extend the analysis of Gnacinski and Sikorski (1999)by using non-equal weights derived from observational errors. We presenta detailed discussion of various statistical errors. In addition, weestimate the level of systematic errors by considering differentnormalization of the extinction curve adopted by Wegner (2002). Ourcatalog of 782 R_V and A_V values and their errors is available in theelectronic form on the World Wide Web.

Catalog of Galactic OB Stars
An all-sky catalog of Galactic OB stars has been created by extendingthe Case-Hamburg Galactic plane luminous-stars surveys to include 5500additional objects drawn from the literature. This work brings the totalnumber of known or reasonably suspected OB stars to over 16,000.Companion databases of UBVβ photometry and MK classifications forthese objects include nearly 30,000 and 20,000 entries, respectively.

Classification and properties of UV extinction curves
The catalog of Savage et al. (\cite{ref27}) reporting colour excesses of1415 stars from ANS photometry offers the opportunity to deeplyinvestigate the characteristics of UV extinction curves which differfrom the standard extinction of the diffuse interstellar medium. To thisaim we have selected a sample of 252 curves, which have been comparedwith the relations derived by Cardelli et al. (\cite{ref4}; CCM in thefollowing) for a variety of R_V values in the range 2.4-5 and have beenclassified as normal if they fit at least one of the CCM curves oranomalous otherwise. We find that normal curves with small R_V are justas numerous as those with large R_V. The anomalous objects are arrangedinto two groups according to the strength of the bump at 0.217 mu . Fora given value of c_2 this increases along the sequence: type Aanomalous, normals and type B anomalous, suggesting that this sequenceshould correspond to an increase of the amount of small grains along thesightline. Considerations concerning the environmental characteristicsindicate that the anomalous behaviour is not necessarily tied to theexistence of dense gas clouds along the line of sight.

The 74th Special Name-list of Variable Stars
We present the Name-list introducing GCVS names for 3153 variable starsdiscovered by the Hipparcos mission.

Catalogue of H-alpha emission stars in the Northern Milky Way
The ``Catalogue of Stars in the Northern Milky Way Having H-alpha inEmission" appears in Abhandlungen aus der Hamburger Sternwarte, Band XIin the year 1997. It contains 4174 stars, range {32degr <= l() II< 214degr , -10degr < b() II < +10degr } having the Hαline in emission. HBH stars and stars of further 99 lists taken from theliterature till the end of 1994 were included in the catalogue. We givethe cross-identification of stars from all lists used. The catalogue isalso available in the Centre de Données, Strasbourg ftp130.79.128.5 or http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr and at the HamburgObservatory via internet.

UBV beta Database for Case-Hamburg Northern and Southern Luminous Stars
A database of photoelectric UBV beta photometry for stars listed in theCase-Hamburg northern and southern Milky Way luminous stars surveys hasbeen compiled from the original research literature. Consisting of over16,000 observations of some 7300 stars from over 500 sources, thisdatabase constitutes the most complete compilation of such photometryavailable for intrinsically luminous stars around the Galactic plane.Over 5000 stars listed in the Case-Hamburg surveys still lackfundamental photometric data.

Catalogue of stars in the northern Milky Way having H-alpha in emission
Not Available

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Galactic OB associations in the northern Milky Way Galaxy. I - Longitudes 55 deg to 150 deg
The literature on all OB associations was reviewed, and their IRAS pointsource content was studied, between galactic longitude 55 and 150 deg.Only one third of the 24 associations listed by Ruprecht et al. (1981)have been the subject of individual studies designed to identify thebrightest stars. Distances to all of these were recomputed using themethod of cluster fitting of the B main sequence stars, which makes itpoossible to reexamine the absolute magnitude calibration of the Ostars, as well as for the red supergiant candidate stars. Also examinedwas the composite HR diagram for these associations. Associations withthe best defined main sequences, which also tend to contain very youngclusters, referred to here as OB clusters, have extremely few evolved Band A or red supergiants. Associations with poorly defined mainsequences and few OB clusters have many more evolved stars. They alsoshow an effect in the upper HR diagram referred to as a ledge byFitzpatrick and Garmany (1990) in similar data for the Large MagellanicCloud. It is suggested that the differences in the associations are notjust observational selection effects but represent real differences inage and formation history.

H-alpha as a tracer of mass loss from OB stars
This paper investigates the use of the H-alpha emission from stellarwinds of OB stars to determine the stellar mass-loss rate. The power inH-alpha emitted by the wind can be parameterized in terms of thetemperature and the density field of the wind. A simple expression isderived which relates the observed H-alpha luminosity to the stellarmass-loss rate, the stellar radius, the velocity law, and the stellareffective temperature. This expression is calibrated for the influenceof the velocity law using a sample of Galactic OB stars with UVmass-loss rates. Consequently, the results depend on the validity of theUV rates. The derived velocity law for O stars turns out to be inagreement with the radiation-pressure-driven wind theory. There isevidence for a dependence of the velocity-law gradient on spectral type.The results for B stars, however, are more uncertain due to thedependence on the adopted mass accretion rate/L relation. Application ofthe calibrated H-alpha luminosity/mass-loss rate relation to a sample of149 galactic OB stars shows that mass accretion rate can be reliablydetermined from H-alpha. Due to the moderate amount of observing timerequired to derive mass accretion rate from H-alpha, this method may beapplied successfully to investigate mass-loss effects in extra-Galacticstars.

ICCD speckle observations of binary stars. III - A survey for duplicity among high-velocity stars
An analysis of speckle interferometry data for 182 stars has resulted inthe detection of 10 binaries, four of which are newly resolved systems.After correcting for selection effects, the data are found to becompatible with a total frequency for high-velocity long-period doubleswhich is as large as that for low-velocity stars. Based on spectroscopicparallaxes and visual magnitudes, these binaries are found to be within100 pc of the sun, with eight having linear separations of less than 20AU. Four of the binaries are determined to have periods of less than 20yr.

Mid-infrared excess and ultraviolet extinction
Recent suggestions that the mid-infrared excess and the 2174 Aextinction bump have the same origin are investigated. For this purpose,correlations between the mid infrared excess and the ultravioletextinction parameters are examined, using a sample of 61 stars reportedto have peculiar extinction properties. No correlation is found betweenthe mid-infrared excess and the ultraviolet extinction bump or the farultraviolet extinction rise. This result suggests that the carriers ofthe ultraviolet bump and the mid-infrared emission are different.

The interstellar 217 NM band - A third catalogue of equivalent widths
A catalog of equivalent widths of the 217 nm interstellar absorptionband as well as other parameters characterizing the extinction curve inthe ultraviolet has been compiled for 790 O and B stars. A relativelytight correlation between the equivalent width of the 217 nm band andE(B-V) indicates that the absorber of this band is connected with thepopulation of larger interstellar grains responsible for the visualextinction. The parameter characterizing the amount of extinction in thefar UV is only weakly correlated with E(B-V), a result in accord withthe assumption that a second population of very small grains causes therapid increase of the far-UV extinction.

Observations of interstellar diffuse absorption band at 4430 A
Observations of the interstellar diffuse absorption band at 4430 A for800 O and B stars in Neckel's (1967) catalog are being carried out, and482 spectra obtained up to September 1983 have been reduced. It isconfirmed that the strength of the interstellar diffuse absorption bandat 4430 A does not simply relate to the abundance of interstellar grainson the line of sight. The relation between the color excess E(B-V) andthe equivalent width of the band to the direction of l = 130-140 deg andb = -5 to +5 deg shows that some parameter(s) other than E(B-V) is (are)needed to understand the cause of this band.

Catalog of O-B stars observed with Tokyo Meridian Circle
A catalog of the O-B stars, selected from 'Blaauw-Parenago' list andRubin's catalog, has been compiled on the FK4 system by the observationsmade with Gautier 8-inch Meridian Circle at the Tokyo AstronomicalObservatory during the period, 1971 to 1979. It contains 1059 stars andwas compiled for the future establishment of high precision propermotions of O-B stars.

Mass loss rates for northern OB-stars
A mass loss survey of 44 O- and early B-type stars in northern OBassociations is presented. For 22 stars mass loss rates were derivedfrom H-alpha equivalent widths using the method of Klein and Castor(1978). For 15 stars upper limits of the mass loss rates were estimated.For the remaining 7 stars H-alpha and H-beta equivalent width values aregiven but no quantitative evaluation of M-dot was possible. The resultsare compared with present ideas concerning the relation between massloss and other basic stellar parameters.

Kinematic properties of supergiants in the Perseus spiral arm
Analysis of the space motions of supergiants in the Perseus arm regionindicates that the stellar peculiar-velocity field has a large-scalenonuniformity probably resulting both from the presence of sizablegroups of young stars and from systematic motions in the arm aspredicted by density-wave theory. Proper motions are tabulated for 78stars.

A survey of interstellar neutral potassium. I - Abundances and physical conditions in clouds toward 188 early-type stars
Observations of interstellar absorption in the resonance doublet 7664,7698 A of neutral potassium toward 188 early-type stars at a spectralresolution of 8 km/s are reported. The 7664 A line is successfullyseparated from nearly coincident telluric O2 absorption for all but afew of the 165 stars for which K I absorption is detected, makingpossible an abundance analysis by the doublet ratio method. Therelationships between the potassium abundances and other atomicabundances, the abundance of molecular hydrogen, and interstellarreddening are investigated.

Ultraviolet interstellar extinction toward 1367 stars observed by ANS
Five-band UV photometry is used to investigate the character ofinterstellar extinction toward 1367 stars of spectral type B3 andearlier, with observations producing a galactic average of 5.11, 4.78,6.52, 4.10 and 1.95 at 1550, 1800, 2200, 2500, and 3300 A, respectively.Differences in the strengths of the UV extinction features of thesestars appear to be independent, since objects with either strong or weak2200 A extinction can have strong, normal or weak far-UV extinction.Further investigation reveals that some of the deviant stars areembedded in localized regions whose average extinction curves divergedramatically from the galactic mean. The anomalous extinction of theseregions attests to localized inhomogeneities in the UV characteristicsof interstellar dust. Because the evaluation of UV extinction toward aparticular star would be more accurate if based on the average curve ofthe region immediately surrounding that star rather than that of theentire Galaxy, it is recommended that the galactic average presented beused with caution to correct astronomical data of individual objects.

A study of the nine interstellar dark clouds
An investigation of the physical and chemical properties of nineinterstellar dark clouds, L1407, L1551, L1544, L134N, L63, L1147, L1235,L1253, and L1257 are reported. Observations of a variety of atomic andmolecular species have been obtained, and the clouds have been partiallymapped in the near infrared. The observations have been compared withtheoretical models of the line emission and absorption from interstellarclouds to derive many of the fundamental physical parameters. Thetemperatures, densities, masses, sizes, and abundances of atomic andmolecular species in the clouds have been determined along withvariations of the density and temperature as a function of radius.

Studies of luminous stars in nearby galaxies. I. Supergiants and O stars in the Milky Way.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1978ApJS...38..309H&db_key=AST

The high-luminosity boundary of the beta CEP instability strip.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1972AJ.....77..381P

A Comparison of the Luminosities of Perseus-Arm Stars in the Hγ and MK Systems
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1972ApJ...171..285C&db_key=AST

The space distribution and kinematics of supergiants
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1970AJ.....75..602H&db_key=AST

Catalogue d'etoiles O et B.
Not Available

Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1965ApJ...142..309S&db_key=AST

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משמש של הקבוצה הבאה

תצפית ומידע אסטרומטרי

התרוממות ימנית:23h57m47.70s
גודל גלוי:8.144
מרחק:793.651 פארסק
תנועה נכונה:-0.9
תנועה נכונה:-3.2
B-T magnitude:8.931
V-T magnitude:8.209

קטלוגים וכינוים:
שם עצם פרטי
HD 1989HD 224424
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 4013-359-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1425-15855525
HIPHIP 118139

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