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HD 197292



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מאמרים קשורים

Times of Minima of Eclipsing Binary Systems DO Cas, V1143 Cyg, GO Cyg, and VW Cep
11 photoelectric minima are presented from the observations of 4eclipsing binaries.

Study of the eclipsing binary GO Cygni based on observations of Bucharest and Athens observatories from 1985 to 1994
The principal aim of this work is to study the eclipsing binary systemGO Cygni for which a series of photoelectric observations have beencarried out for ten years, 1985-1994, either at Athens or at theBucharest Observatories. The unpublished data obtained from 1989 to 1992are given and the corresponding light curves of the system are presentedwhile a general discussion concerning some of their features is made. Ashift of the order of 0.082 found in the V light curves of 1989-90 &92 and those of 1993-94 can be due to the variability of the comparisonstar BD+35°4197, which has to be checked; while some peculiarfeatures of its light curves may be due to the activity of the system.Moreover, the observed variations in the period of GO Cygni arediscussed.

UBV photometry of stars whose positions are accurately known. III
UBV photometric observations of 417 stars at BD declination 35-49 degfrom the NPZT(74) catalog of Yasuda et al. (1982) and the AGK3R catalogof Corben (1978), obtained with the 40-cm Cassegrain reflector atKvistaberg Observatory during 1984-1985, are reported. The data arepresented in tables, and the mean errors per observation are given as0.016 mag in V, 0.011 mag in B-V, 0.012 mag in U-B for U less than 10,and 0.026 mag in U-B for U greater than 10.

A photometric investigation of RV Tauri and yellow semiregular variables
Results are presented for DDO and UBV photoelectric photometry of 52 RVTau and semiregular variables and candidates. CN abundances, effectivetemperatures, surface gravities, absolute visual magnitudes, and massestimates are derived in the framework of the spectroscopic groupingsproposed by Preston et al. (1963). The photometry suggests a furtherdivision of Preston's group A, and a possible physical connection isindicated between this group and the semiregular variables. Thespectroscopic groups are shown to be well separated in the DDOcolor-color diagrams when mean colors are used for individual stars. Anupper limit of about 3 solar masses is determined for stars in eachgroup. A correlation between derived iron abundances and published IRexcesses obtained from flux measurements at 3.6 and 11.3 microns isfound which supports the contention that dust production incircumstellar shells increases with increasing metallicity.

Stars with large Proper Motions in the Hyderabab Astrographic zones + 36° to + 39° (Final list)
Not Available

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משמש של הקבוצה הבאה

תצפית ומידע אסטרומטרי

התרוממות ימנית:20h41m32.10s
גודל גלוי:7.466
מרחק:218.818 פארסק
תנועה נכונה:-26.5
תנועה נכונה:-63.6
B-T magnitude:9.19
V-T magnitude:7.609

קטלוגים וכינוים:
שם עצם פרטי
HD 1989HD 197292
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 2698-296-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1200-15646341
HIPHIP 102105

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