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TYC 4476-1458-1



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Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system.
Not Available

New and Confirmed Triple Systems with Luminous Cool Primaries and Hot Companions
In the course of comparing parameters of evolved cool star plus hotmain-sequence star binaries with theoretical isochrones, somediscrepancies are found between implied stellar masses and thespectroscopic binary mass function or the measured angular separation.These are naturally explained if there is a third star in the system.Multiplicity is also required to explain some comparisons of ``cool plushot binary'' IUE and optical spectral energy distribution analysis withmeasured flux ratios, especially Tycho's two-color photometry ofseparate components. Out of a sample of 136 cool-plus-hot binary starsystems under study, measurements are now indicating several systemsconsidered double (HD 5373, 23089, 26673, 29094, 49126, 71129, 149379,179002, 187299), and probably a few others (including HD 136415), tohave at least three stellar components. Several other cases of suspectedtriple systems are confirmed. For comparison, there are eight knowntriples included in the project. In all, about 25% of the systemscontain three or more components within a few arcseconds. Estimatedseparations are provided, which may be of use when not known frominterferometry. In general, the triple systems have onepost-main-sequence component and two upper main-sequence components,usually revolving around each other. One new triple system, HD 149379,has as its middle component an F giant in the brief first crossing ofthe Hertzsprung gap.

Spectral Classification of the Hot Components of a Large Sample of Stars with Composite Spectra, and Implication for the Absolute Magnitudes of the Cool Supergiant Components.
A sample of 135 stars with composite spectra has been observed in thenear-UV spectral region with the Aurélie spectrograph at theObservatoire de Haute-Provence. Using the spectral classifications ofthe cool components previously determined with near infrared spectra, weobtained reliable spectral types of the hot components of the samplesystems. The hot components were isolated by the subtraction methodusing MK standards as surrogates of the cool components. We also derivedthe visual magnitude differences between the components usingWillstrop's normalized stellar flux ratios. We propose a photometricmodel for each of these systems on the basis of our spectroscopic dataand the Hipparcos data. We bring to light a discrepancy for the Gsupergiant primaries between the visual absolute magnitudes deduced fromHipparcos parallaxes and those tabulated by Schmidt-Kaler for the GIbstars: we propose a scale of Mv-values for these stars incomposite systems. By way of statistics, about 75% of the hot componentsare dwarf or subgiant stars, and 25% should be giants. The distributionin spectral types is as follows: 41% of B-type components, 57% of typeA, and 2% of type F; 68% of the hot components have a spectral type inthe range B7 to A2. The distribution of the ΔMv-valuesshows a maximum near 0.75 mag.

Spectroscopic binary orbits from photoelectric radial velocities. Paper 163: HD 213503/4 and HD 220636/7 with a conjecture concerning gamma Cephei
Not Available

Spectral classifications in the near infrared of stars with composite spectra. III. Study of a sample of 137 objects with the Aurelie spectrograph
We provide spectral classifications for a sample of 137 stars mentionedas having composite spectra. The classifications were carried out on 33Angstroms /mm spectra in the region 8370 - 8870 Angstroms. Of these 137objects, 115 correspond in the infrared to cool stars (G, K or M) ofluminosity classes III, II and I; for 22 stars, we find only hot spectraof types B, A, F or Am, so that they do not fulfil our definition ofcomposite spectra. We detect four new Am stars, and one Am star (HD70826) turns out to be a composite spectrum object. As in Paper II, thecool components of composite spectra show a strong concentration in thevicinity of G8III. Based upon observations carried out at Observatoirede Haute-Provence (OHP).

Spectral classifications in the near infrared of stars with composite spectra. II. Study of a sample of 180 stars
A sample of 180 supposedly composite-spectrum stars has been studied onthe basis of spectra obtained in the near infrared (8370-8780 Angstroms)at a dispersion of 33 Anstroms/mm. The objective was to study the coolercomponents of the systems. Of our sample, 120 are true compositespectra, 35 are hot spectra of types B, F and 25 are Am stars. We find astrong concentration of the cooler components of the composite spectraaround G8III. In view of the difficulty of classifying compositespectra, because of the super position of an early type dwarf and a latetype giant or supergiant spectrum, we have made several tests to controlthe classification based upon the infrared region. Since all tests gavepositive results, we conclude that our classifications can be consideredas being both reliable and homogeneous. Table \ref{tab1} is alsoavailable electronically at the CDS via anonymous ftp or} Based upon observationscarried out at Observatoire de Haute-Provence (CNRS).

Composite spectra. V - Orbital elements for 30 systems
A comprehensive survey of bright composite-spectrum binaries in thenorthern sky has provided so many radial-velocity data that orbits cannow be determined for many objects whose orbits were hitherto unknown orelse insecure or actually erroneous. Elements are given for the orbitsof 30 such objects, thereby more than doubling the number ofcomposite-spectrum binaries with known orbits.

A survey of stars with composite spectra.
Not Available

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관측 및 측정 데이터

거리:714.286 파섹
적경상의 고유운동:-2.9
적위상의 고유운동:-4.3
B-T magnitude:9.138
V-T magnitude:7.986

TYCHO-2 2000TYC 4476-1458-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1575-05125291
HIPHIP 111046

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