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HD 151011



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Two Micron All Sky Survey, Infrared Astronomical Satellite, and Midcourse Space Experiment Color Properties of Intrinsic and Extrinsic S Stars
We attempt to select new candidate intrinsic and extrinsic S stars inthe General Catalogue of Galactic S Stars (GCGSS) by combining data fromthe Two Micron All Sky Survey, the Infrared Astronomical Satellite, andthe Midcourse Space Experiment. Catalog entries are cross-identified,yielding 528 objects, out of which 29 are known extrinsic S stars and 31are known intrinsic S stars. Their color-color diagrams,(H-[12])-(K-[12]) and (K-[12])-(J-[25]), are drawn and used to identifya new sample of 147 extrinsic and 256 intrinsic S star candidates, whilethe nature of 65 stars remains identified. We infer that about 38%+/-10%of the GCGSS objects are of extrinsic type. Moreover, we think thatcolors such as J-[25] can be used to split off the two categories of Sstars, while single colors are not appropriate. The color-colordiagrams, such as (H-[12])-(K-[12]) and (K-[12])-(J-[25]), are proven tobe powerful tools for distinguishing the two kinds of S stars.

CHARM2: An updated Catalog of High Angular Resolution Measurements
We present an update of the Catalog of High Angular ResolutionMeasurements (CHARM, Richichi & Percheron \cite{CHARM}, A&A,386, 492), which includes results available until July 2004. CHARM2 is acompilation of direct measurements by high angular resolution methods,as well as indirect estimates of stellar diameters. Its main goal is toprovide a reference list of sources which can be used for calibrationand verification observations with long-baseline optical and near-IRinterferometers. Single and binary stars are included, as are complexobjects from circumstellar shells to extragalactic sources. The presentupdate provides an increase of almost a factor of two over the previousedition. Additionally, it includes several corrections and improvements,as well as a cross-check with the valuable public release observationsof the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI). A total of 8231entries for 3238 unique sources are now present in CHARM2. Thisrepresents an increase of a factor of 3.4 and 2.0, respectively, overthe contents of the previous version of CHARM.The catalog is only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to ( or via

J - K DENIS photometry of a VLTI-selected sample of bright southern stars
We present a photometric survey of bright southern stars carried outusing the DENIS instrument equipped with attenuating filters. Theobservations were carried out not using the survey mode of DENIS, butwith individual target pointings. This project was stimulated by theneed to obtain near-infrared photometry of stars to be used in earlycommissioning observations of the ESO Very Large TelescopeInterferometer, and in particular to establish a network of brightcalibrator sources.We stress that near-infrared photometry is peculiarly lacking for manybright stars. These stars are saturated in 2MASS as well as in regularDENIS observations. The only other observations available for brightinfrared stars are those of the Two Micron Sky Survey dating from overthirty years ago. These were restricted to declinations above≈-30°, and thus cover only about half of the sky accessible fromthe VLTI site.We note that the final 2MASS data release includes photometry of brightstars, obtained by means of point-spread function fitting. However, thismethod only achieves about 30% accuracy, which is not sufficient formost applications.In this work, we present photometry for over 600 stars, each with atleast one and up to eight measurements, in the J and K filters. Typicalaccuracy is at the level of 0\fm05 and 0\fm04 in the J and K_s bands,respectively.Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory, LaSilla.Tables 1 and 2 are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to ( or via

Near-infrared observations of candidate extrinsic S stars
Photometric observations in the near infrared for 161 S stars, including18 Tc-rich (intrinsic) stars, 19 Tc-deficient (extrinsic) ones and 124candidates for Tc-deficient S stars, are presented in this paper. Basedon some further investigations into the infrared properties of bothTc-rich and Tc-deficient S stars, 104 candidates are identified as verylikely Tc-deficient S stars. The large number of infrared-selectedTc-deficient S stars provides a convenient way to study the physicalproperties and the evolutionary status of this species of S stars.

CHARM: A Catalog of High Angular Resolution Measurements
The Catalog of High Angular Resolution Measurements (CHARM) includesmost of the measurements obtained by the techniques of lunaroccultations and long-baseline interferometry at visual and infraredwavelengths, which have appeared in the literature or have otherwisebeen made public until mid-2001. A total of 2432 measurements of 1625sources are included, along with extensive auxiliary information. Inparticular, visual and infrared photometry is included for almost allthe sources. This has been partly extracted from currently availablecatalogs, and partly obtained specifically for CHARM. The main aim is toprovide a compilation of sources which could be used as calibrators orfor science verification purposes by the new generation of largeground-based facilities such as the ESO Very Large Interferometer andthe Keck Interferometer. The Catalog is available in electronic form atthe CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via, and from theauthors on CD-Rom.

Nucleosynthesis and Mixing on the Asymptotic Giant Branch. III. Predicted and Observed s-Process Abundances
We present the results of s-process nucleosynthesis calculations forasymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars of different metallicities anddifferent initial stellar masses (1.5 and 3 Msolar), and wepresent comparisons of them with observational constraints fromhigh-resolution spectroscopy of evolved stars over a wide metallicityrange. The computations were based on previously published stellarevolutionary models that account for the third dredge-up phenomenonoccurring late on the AGB. Neutron production is driven by the13C(α,n)16O reaction during the interpulseperiods in a tiny layer in radiative equilibrium at the top of the He-and C-rich shell. The neutron source 13C is manufacturedlocally by proton captures on the abundant 12C; a few protonsare assumed to penetrate from the convective envelope into the radiativelayer at any third dredge-up episode, when a chemical discontinuity isestablished between the convective envelope and the He- and C-richzones. A weaker neutron release is also guaranteed by the marginalactivation of the reaction 22Ne(α,n)25Mgduring the convective thermal pulses. Owing to the lack of a consistentmodel for 13C formation, the abundance of 13Cburnt per cycle is allowed to vary as a free parameter over a wideinterval (a factor of 50). The s-enriched material is subsequently mixedwith the envelope by the third dredge-up, and the envelope compositionis computed after each thermal pulse. We follow the changes in thephotospheric abundance of the Ba-peak elements (heavy s [hs]) and thatof the Zr-peak ones (light s [ls]), whose logarithmic ratio [hs/ls] hasoften been adopted as an indicator of the s-process efficiency (e.g., ofthe neutron exposure). Our model predictions for this parameter show acomplex trend versus metallicity. Especially noteworthy is theprediction that the flow along the s-path at low metallicities drainsthe Zr and Ba peaks and builds an excess at the doubly magic208Pb, which is at the termination of the s-path. We thendiscuss the effects on the models of variations in the crucialparameters of the 13C pocket, finding that they are notcritical for interpreting the results. The theoretical predictions arecompared with published abundances of s-elements for AGB giants ofclasses MS, S, SC, post-AGB supergiants, and for various classes ofbinary stars, which supposedly derive their composition by mass transferfrom an AGB companion. This is done for objects belonging both to theGalactic disk and to the halo. The observations in general confirm thecomplex dependence of neutron captures on metallicity. They suggest thata moderate spread exists in the abundance of 13C that isburnt in different stars. Although additional observations are needed,it seems that a good understanding has been achieved of s-processoperation in AGB stars. Finally, the detailed abundance distributionincluding the light elements (CNO) of a few s-enriched stars atdifferent metallicities are examined and satisfactorily reproduced bymodel envelope compositions.

Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics
The Catalogue, available at the Centre de Données Stellaires deStrasbourg, consists of 13 573 records concerning the results obtainedfrom different methods for 7778 stars, reported in the literature. Thefollowing data are listed for each star: identifications, apparentmagnitude, spectral type, apparent diameter in arcsec, absolute radiusin solar units, method of determination, reference, remarks. Commentsand statistics obtained from CADARS are given. The Catalogue isavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp ( or via

Infrared study of the two categories of S stars
Photometric observations of 20 Tc-deficient and 24 Tc-rich S stars inthe near infrared are presented in this paper. With the IRAS data,infrared two color diagrams, IRAS low-resolution spectra and energydistributions are discussed to summarize the way to segregate Tc-richstars from Tc-deficient ones.

On the Variability of S Stars as Observed by the Hipparcos
The Hipparcos photometry of S type stars shows that they are allvariable. The intrinsic S stars show a larger range of amplitudes thando the extrinsic S stars.

The HIPPARCOS Hertzsprung-Russell diagram of S stars: probing nucleosynthesis and dredge-up
HIPPARCOS trigonometrical parallaxes make it possible to compare thelocation of Tc-rich and Tc-poor S stars in the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR)diagram: Tc-rich S stars are found to be cooler and intrinsicallybrighter than Tc-poor S stars. The comparison with the Genevaevolutionary tracks reveals that the line marking the onset of thermalpulses on the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) matches well the observedlimit between Tc-poor and Tc-rich S stars. Tc-rich S stars are, asexpected, identified with thermally-pulsing AGB stars of low andintermediate masses, whereas Tc-poor S stars comprise mostly low-massstars (with the exception of 57 Peg) located either on the red giantbranch or on the early AGB. Like barium stars, Tc-poor S stars are knownto belong exclusively to binary systems, and their location in the HRdiagram is consistent with the average mass of 1.6+/-0.2 Msb ȯderived from their orbital mass-function distribution (Jorissen et al.1997, A&A, submitted). A comparison with the S stars identified inthe Magellanic Clouds and in the Fornax dwarf elliptical galaxy revealsthat they have luminosities similar to the galactic Tc-rich S stars.However, most of the surveys of S stars in the external systems did notreach the lower luminosities at which galactic Tc-poor S stars arefound. The deep Westerlund survey of carbon stars in the SMC uncovered afamily of faint carbon stars that may be the analogues of thelow-luminosity, galactic Tc-poor S stars. Based on data from theHIPPARCOS astrometry satellite

Classification and Identification of IRAS Sources with Low-Resolution Spectra
IRAS low-resolution spectra were extracted for 11,224 IRAS sources.These spectra were classified into astrophysical classes, based on thepresence of emission and absorption features and on the shape of thecontinuum. Counterparts of these IRAS sources in existing optical andinfrared catalogs are identified, and their optical spectral types arelisted if they are known. The correlations between thephotospheric/optical and circumstellar/infrared classification arediscussed.

A catalogue of [Fe/H] determinations: 1996 edition
A fifth Edition of the Catalogue of [Fe/H] determinations is presentedherewith. It contains 5946 determinations for 3247 stars, including 751stars in 84 associations, clusters or galaxies. The literature iscomplete up to December 1995. The 700 bibliographical referencescorrespond to [Fe/H] determinations obtained from high resolutionspectroscopic observations and detailed analyses, most of them carriedout with the help of model-atmospheres. The Catalogue is made up ofthree formatted files: File 1: field stars, File 2: stars in galacticassociations and clusters, and stars in SMC, LMC, M33, File 3: numberedlist of bibliographical references The three files are only available inelectronic form at the Centre de Donnees Stellaires in Strasbourg, viaanonymous ftp to (, or via

A catalogue of associations between IRAS sources and S stars.
Cross identifications between the General Catalogue of Galactic S Stars(GCGSS), the IRAS Point Source Catalogue (PSC), and the Guide StarCatalogue (GSC) are presented. The purpose of the present catalogue isi) to provide a clean sample of S stars with far-IR data, and ii) toprovide accurate GSC positions for S stars, superseding those listed inthe GCGSS. The IRAS colour-colour diagram and the galactic distributionof S stars associated with an IRAS source are presented. Several S starshaving extended images in at least one IRAS band have also beenidentified.

Abundances in three heavy-element stars in Omega Centarui
The abundances of the iron-peak elements Fe, Ni, and Ti, the lightmetals Mg, Al, and K, and the s-process elements Rb, Y, and Zr aredetermined for the heavy-element stars ROA 371, ROA 5293, and ROA 3812in the globular cluster Omega Centauri. ROA 3812 and ROA 5293 areclassified as S stars while ROA 371 is classified as a K5 barium star.The metallicities of ROA 3812, 5293, and 371 are (Fe/H) = -0.7, -0.8,and -1.0 respectively. Thus, ROA 371 has a metallicity slightly higherthan the red giants analyzed by Brown et al. (1991) and ROA 3812 and5293 have metallicities near the upper end of the range for the cluster.All three stars show an excess of Al, which is common in red giants ofOmega Centauri, and a mean excess of the s-process elements Rb, Y, andZr of 1.4 dex. In addition, all three stars are too faint to beasymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars according to current theory. Hence,they were either formed with their present composition, as suggested byLloyd Evans (1983a) or are binaries that have had their atmospherespolluted by a now defunct companion. Based upon the dependence of (s/Fe)on (Fe/H) for various s-process elements over a range from (Fe/H) = -2.0to (Fe/H) = -0.7, we show that the Lloyd Evans hypothesis is probablycorrect. This shows that mass loss from AGB stars was contributings-proces elements to the intracluster gas for as much as 109yr before Type Ia SNe swept the cluster clear of gas and terminated starformation.

Circumstellar Properties of S Stars. I. Dust Features
Abstract image available at:

S stars: infrared colors, technetium, and binarity
Abstract image available at:

On the Infrared Properties of S-Stars with and Without Technetium
Abstract image available at:

Fluorine in red giant stars - Evidence for nucleosynthesis
Flourine abundances were determined in several K giants and asymptoticgiant branch (AGB) stars, using the infrared vibration-rotation lines ofHF. The data presented constitute the only available information on thefluorine abundance outside the solar system and provide invaluable cluesto the question of the nucleosynthetic origin of F. The observationsconfirm that F production occurs at a He-burning site and constrain thecurrent models of AGB stars.

S stars without technetium - The binary star connection
An exploratory survey of non-Mira MS and S star radial velocities andthe He I 10830 A triplet are used to test the assertion that S starswithout Tc are spectroscopic binaries, probably with white-dwarfcompanions. It is found that the He I 10830 A triplet is a prominentfeature of the spectra of S stars without Tc, but the He I line isundetectable in the spectra of most S stars without Tc. Also, whenradial-velocity variations attributable to orbital motion are detectedfor S stars without Tc, the variations have a higher frequency that thatof S stars with Tc. The results suggest that the S stars without Tc arespectroscopic binaries and are probably related to the G and K giantBarium stars.

The chemical composition of red giants. III - Further CNO isotopic and s-process abundances in thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch stars
Near-IR and IR spectra are analyzed to obtain elemental and isotopic C,N, and O abundance, iron peak abundances, and heavy element s-processabundances for a sample of M, MS, and S giants. The compositions of theM giants are similar to those of G and K giants and consistent withpredictions for giants that have deep convective envelopes and so haveexperienced the first dredge-up. The MS and S giants have compositionsthat show the signatures of the third dredge-up that occurs in thermallypulsing AGB stars. The sample shows that C-12, a principal product ofthe He-burning shell, has been added to the envelopes of MS and S stars.The C-12 enrichment is correlated with a more marked enrichment of thes-process elements that are predicted to be synthesized when a neutronsource is ignited in the He-burning shell. The MS and S giants show ahigher N abundance than the M giants, attributed to the expected deepmixing that occurs with the onset of the episodic third dredge-up.

Lunar occultations of IRAS point sources, 1991-2000
Abstract image available at:

S-process-enriched cool stars with and without technetium - Clues to asymptotic giant branch and binary star evolution
A search for Tc in a sample of 40 MS and S stars is reported. Of thetotal sample, it is found that 38 percent of these s-process-enrichedstars do not show Tc. It is argued that the space density of theseTc-poor MS and S stars, relative to M giants, is comparable to the spacedensity, relative to normal G and K giants, of the barium stars, whichalso lack Tc and whose s-process enrichment is probably the result ofbinary mass transfer in the past. It is suggested that the MS and Sstars are composed of two major groups: Tc-containing stars which arecurrently thermally pulsing AGB stars undergoing third dredge-up andTc-poor stars which represent the coolest members of the barium starclass.

A Catalog of Stellar Angular Diameters Measured by Lunar Occultation
Abstract image available at:

IRAS catalogues and atlases - Atlas of low-resolution spectra
Plots of all 5425 spectra in the IRAS catalogue of low-resolutionspectra are presented. The catalogue contains the average spectra ofmost IRAS poiont sources with 12 micron flux densities above 10 Jy.

A General Catalogue of Galactic S-Stars - ED.2
Not Available

Twenty-eight angular diameters for late-type stars by the lunar occultation technique
New angular diameter measurements obtained with an infrared photometerare reported. The stars observed include three Mira variables and ninecool IRC objects. Repeat measurements are reported for five stars. Theobservations include numerous daytime and reappearance events. Severalresults obtained with the 4-m telescope verify the value of a largeaperture for the measurement of angular diameters as small as 1.5-2.5milliarcsec.

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거리:232.558 파섹
적경상의 고유운동:0.7
적위상의 고유운동:-0.4
B-T magnitude:9.172
V-T magnitude:6.886

HD 1989HD 151011
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 6225-645-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0675-16485186
HIPHIP 82038

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