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HD 163708



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A catalogue of eclipsing variables
A new catalogue of 6330 eclipsing variable stars is presented. Thecatalogue was developed from the General Catalogue of Variable Stars(GCVS) and its textual remarks by including recently publishedinformation about classification of 843 systems and making correspondingcorrections of GCVS data. The catalogue1 represents thelargest list of eclipsing binaries classified from observations.

Automatic classification of eclipsing binaries light curves using neural networks
In this work we present a system for the automatic classification of thelight curves of eclipsing binaries. This system is based on aclassification scheme that aims to separate eclipsing binary systemsaccording to their geometrical configuration in a modified version ofthe traditional classification scheme. The classification is performedby a Bayesian ensemble of neural networks trained with Hipparcos data ofseven different categories including eccentric binary systems and twotypes of pulsating light curve morphologies.

An Assessment of Dynamical Mass Constraints on Pre-Main-Sequence Evolutionary Tracks
We have assembled a database of stars having both masses determined frommeasured orbital dynamics and sufficient spectral and photometricinformation for their placement on a theoretical H-R diagram. Our sampleconsists of 115 low-mass (M<2.0 Msolar) stars, 27pre-main-sequence and 88 main-sequence. We use a variety of availablepre-main-sequence evolutionary calculations to test the consistency ofpredicted stellar masses with dynamically determined masses. Despitesubstantial improvements in model physics over the past decade, largesystematic discrepancies still exist between empirical and theoreticallyderived masses. For main-sequence stars, all models considered predictmasses consistent with dynamical values above 1.2 Msolar andsome models predict consistent masses at solar or slightly lower masses,but no models predict consistent masses below 0.5 Msolar,with all models systematically underpredicting such low masses by5%-20%. The failure at low masses stems from the poor match of mostmodels to the empirical main sequence below temperatures of 3800 K, atwhich molecules become the dominant source of opacity and convection isthe dominant mode of energy transport. For the pre-main-sequence samplewe find similar trends. There is generally good agreement betweenpredicted and dynamical masses above 1.2 Msolar for allmodels. Below 1.2 Msolar and down to 0.3 Msolar(the lowest mass testable), most evolutionary models systematicallyunderpredict the dynamically determined masses by 10%-30%, on average,with the Lyon group models predicting marginally consistent masses inthe mean, although with large scatter. Over all mass ranges, theusefulness of dynamical mass constraints for pre-main-sequence stars isin many cases limited by the random errors caused by poorly determinedluminosities and especially temperatures of young stars. Adopting awarmer-than-dwarf temperature scale would help reconcile the systematicpre-main-sequence offset at the lowest masses, but the case for this isnot compelling, given the similar warm offset at older ages between mostsets of tracks and the empirical main sequence. Over all age ranges, thesystematic discrepancies between track-predicted and dynamicallydetermined masses appear to be dominated by inaccuracies in thetreatment of convection and in the adopted opacities.

Apsidal motion in eccentric eclipsing binaries: V871 Aql, V345 Lac, V401 Lac and CR Sct
About thirty new times of minimum light recorded with photoelectric orCCD photometers were obtained for several little studied eccentric-orbiteclipsing binaries V871 Aql (P=3.0°, e=0.13), V345 Lac ( 7.5°,0.46), V401 Lac ( 2.0°, 0.16) and CR Sct ( 4.2°, 0.09). TheirO-C diagrams were analyzed using all reliable timings found in theliterature and in all cases an apsidal motion was either discovered orconfirmed. The new values for the elements of the apsidal motion werederived. We find periods of apsidal motion of about 255, 7000, 79.4 and4400 years for V871 Aql, V345 Lac, V401 Lac and CR Sct, respectively.Partly based on photoelectric observations secured at the HvarObservatory, Zagreb University, Croatia.

Apsidal Motion in Binaries: Rotation of the Components
A sample of 51 separated binary systems with measured apsidal periodsand rotational velocities of the components is examined. The ranges ofthe angles of inclination of the equatorial planes of the components tothe orbital plane are estimated for these systems. The observed apsidalvelocities can be explained by assuming that the axes of rotation of thestars are nonorthogonal to the orbital plane in roughly 47% of thesystems (24 of the 51) and the rotation of the components is notsynchronized with the orbital motion in roughly 59% of the systems (30of 51). Nonorthogonality and nonsynchrony are defined as deviations from90° and a synchronized angular velocity, respectively, at levels of1 or more.

Studies of Intermediate-Mass Stellar Models Using Eclipsing Binaries
Evolutionary computations for intermediate-mass stars are analyzed usingobserved parameters for eclipsing SB2 binaries and theoreticalparameters based on evolutionary tracks. Modern observations cannot beused to distinguish between models with and without convectiveovershooting for stars in the vicinity of the main sequence.Statistically significant discrepancies between the observed andcomputed stellar parameters are associated with systematic errors inphotometric effective temperatures. After taking into account systematiceffects, the theoretical computations fit the observational datauniformly well throughout the entire mass interval studied. Empiricaland semiempirical (i.e., reduced to the ZAMS and with solar elementalabundances) formulas for the mass-luminosity, mass-effectivetemperature, and mass-radius relations are proposed.

Determination of the Ages of Close Binary Stars on the Main Sequence from Evolutionary Model Stars of Claret and Gimenez
A grid of isochrones, covering a wide range of stellar ages from thezero-age main sequence to 10 billion years, is calculated in the presentwork on the basis of the model stars of Claret and Gimenez withallowance for convective overshoot and mass loss by the components. Theages of 88 eclipsing variables on the main sequence from Andersen'scatalog and 100 chromospherically active stars from Strassmeier'scatalog are calculated with a description of the method of optimuminterpolation. Comparisons with age determinations by other authors aregiven and good agreement is established.

Apsidal Motion in Detached Binary Stars: Comparison of Theory and Observations
A list of 62 detached binaries having reliable data on the rotation ofthe line of apsides is considered. Theoretical estimates of the rate ofapsidal motion are obtained. These estimates are compared withobservational data. It is shown that cases in which the theoreticalestimate exceeds the observed value are several times more frequent thancases in which the theoretical value is lower than the observed one.This discrepancy increases when systems with more reliable observationaldata are considered.

Detached double-lined eclipsing binaries as critical tests of stellar evolution. Age and metallicity determinations from the HR diagram
Detached, double-lined spectroscopic binaries that are also eclipsingprovide the most accurate determinations of stellar mass, radius,temperature and distance-independent luminosity for each of theirindividual components, and hence constitute a stringent test ofsingle-star stellar evolution theory. We compile a large sample of 60non-interacting, well-detached systems mostly with typical errorssmaller than 2% for mass and radius and smaller than 5% for effectivetemperature, and compare them with the properties predicted by stellarevolutionary tracks from a minimization method. To assess the systematicerrors introduced by a given set of tracks, we compare the resultsobtained using three widely-used independent sets of tracks, computedwith different physical ingredients (the Geneva, Padova and Granadamodels). We also test the hypothesis that the components of thesesystems are coeval and have the same metallicity, and compare thederived ages and metallicities with the ones obtained by fitting asingle isochrone to the system. Overall, there is a good agreement amongthe different determinations, and we provide a comprehensive discussionon the sub-sample of systems which either present problems or haveestimated metallicities. Although within the errors the published trackscan fit most of the systems, a large degeneracy between age andmetallicity remains. The power of the test is thus limited because themetallicities of most of the systems are unknown. The full version ofTable 6 is only available in the electronic form at

New results on the apsidal-motion test to stellar structure and evolution including the effects of dynamic tides
We revised the current status of the apsidal-motion test to stellarstructure and evolution. The observational sample was increased by about50% in comparison to previous studies. Classical and relativisticsystems were analyzed simultaneously and only systems with accurateabsolute dimensions were considered. New interior models incorporatingrecent opacity tables, stellar rotation, mass loss, and moderate coreovershooting were used as theoretical tools to compare the predictedwith the observed shifts of the position of the periastron. The stellarmodels were computed for the precise observed masses and the adoptedchemical compositions are consistent with the corresponding tables ofopacities to avoid the inherent problems of interpolation in mass and in(X, Z). The derived chemical composition for each individual system wasused to infer the primordial helium content as well as a law ofenrichment. The values found are in good agreement with those obtainedfrom various independent sources. For the first time, the effects ofdynamic tides are taken into account systematically to determine thecontribution of the tidal distortion to the predicted apsidal-motionrate. The deviations between the apsidal-motion rates resulting from theclassical formula and those determined by taking into account theeffects of dynamic tides are presented as a function of the level ofsynchronism. For systems close to synchronisation, dynamic tides causedeviations with respect to the classical apsidal-motion formula due tothe effects of the compressibility of the stellar fluid. For systemswith higher rotational angular velocities, additional deviations due toresonances arise when the forcing frequencies of the dynamic tides comeinto the range of the free oscillation modes of the component stars. Theresulting comparison shows a good agreement between the observed andtheoretical apsidal-motion rates. No systematic effects in the sensethat models are less mass concentrated than real stars and nocorrelations with the evolutionary status of the systems were detected.

Age and Metallicity Estimates for Moderate-Mass Stars in Eclipsing Binaries
We estimate the ages and metallicities for the components of 43 binarysystems using a compilation of accurate observational data on eclipsingbinaries for which lines of both components are visible in theirspectra, together with two independent modern sets of stellar evolutionmodels computed for a wide range of masses and chemical abundances. Theuncertainties of the resulting values are computed, and their stabilityis demonstrated. The ages and metallicity are compared with thosederived in other studies using different methods, as well as withindependent estimates from photometric observations and observations ofclusters. These comparisons con firm the reliability of our ageestimates. The resulting metallicities depend significantly on thechoice of theoretical model. Comparison with independent estimatesfavors the estimates based on the evolutionary tracks of the Genevagroup.

Eclipsing Binaries and the Lutz-Kelker Bias
Using examples from the literature, we demonstrate that ignoring theLutz- Kelker bias may degrade agreement between results derived fromeclipsing binaries and those based on trigonometric parallaxes. Inaddition, we show that eclipsing binaries are excellent standardcandles.

Surface Brightness--Color Relation for Eclipsing Binaries with ubvy Photometry
The relation between visual surface brightness and (b-y)_0 color indexis constructed for eclipsing binaries with Hipparcos parallaxes andphotometry in the Stromgren four-color ubvy system. The relation isconsistent with the Popper relation derived for stars with angulardiameters obtained mainly from interferometry or from the lunaroccultation method. It is shown that the Lutz-Kelker correction tomagnitudes is in this case negligible.

The long-period companions of multiple stars tend to have moderate eccentricities
We examined the statistics of an angle gamma between the radius vectorof a visual companion of a multiple star and the vector of its apparentrelative motion in the system. Its distribution f(gamma ) is related tothe orbital eccentricity distribution in the investigated sample. Wefound that for the wide physical subsystems of the 174 objects from theMultiple Star Catalogue f(gamma ) is bell-shaped. The Monte-Carlosimulations have shown that our f(gamma ) corresponds to the populationof the moderate-eccentricity orbits and is not compatible with thelinear distribution f(e)=2e which follows from stellar dynamics andseems to hold for wide binaries. This points to the absence of highlyelongated orbits among the outer subsystems of multiple stars. Theconstraint of dynamical stability of triple systems is not sufficient toexplain the ``rounded-off'' outer orbits; instead, we speculate that itcan result from the angular momentum exchange in multiple systems duringtheir early evolution.

A spectroscopic survey for lambda Bootis stars. II. The observational data
lambda Bootis stars comprise only a small number of all A-type stars andare characterized as nonmagnetic, Population i, late B to early F-typedwarfs which show significant underabundances of metals whereas thelight elements (C, N, O and S) are almost normal abundant compared tothe Sun. In the second paper on a spectroscopic survey for lambda Bootisstars, we present the spectral classifications of all program starsobserved. These stars were selected on the basis of their Strömgrenuvbybeta colors as lambda Bootis candidates. In total, 708 objects insix open clusters, the Orion OB1 association and the Galactic field wereclassified. In addition, 9 serendipity non-candidates in the vicinity ofour program stars as well as 15 Guide Star Catalogue stars were observedresulting in a total of 732 classified stars. The 15 objects from theGuide Star Catalogue are part of a program for the classification ofapparent variable stars from the Fine Guidance Sensors of the HubbleSpace Telescope. A grid of 105 MK standard as well as ``pathological''stars guarantees a precise classification. A comparison of our spectralclassification with the extensive work of Abt & Morrell(\cite{Abt95}) shows no significant differences. The derived types are0.23 +/- 0.09 (rms error per measurement) subclasses later and 0.30 +/-0.08 luminosity classes more luminous than those of Abt & Morrell(\cite{Abt95}) based on a sample of 160 objects in common. The estimatederrors of the means are +/- 0.1 subclasses. The characteristics of oursample are discussed in respect to the distribution on the sky, apparentvisual magnitudes and Strömgren uvbybeta colors. Based onobservations from the Observatoire de Haute-Provence, OsservatorioAstronomico di Padova-Asiago, Observatório do Pico dosDias-LNA/CNPq/MCT, Chews Ridge Observatory (MIRA) and University ofToronto Southern Observatory (Las Campanas).

Estimating the ages of eclipsing variable DM-stars on the basis of the evolutionary star models by Maeder and Meynet
A set of isochrones covering a wide range of star ages from5\cdot106 to 1010 yr was built on the basis of thestellar models by A. Maeder and G. Meynet with overshooting and massloss for Population I stars with abundances (X, Y, Z) = 0.70, 0.28,0.02. The isochrones were used to compute the ages of 88 eclipsingvariable stars from the catalog by Andersen which lie on the mainsequence. The influence of initial data errors on the rezultes wasinvestigated. The ages derived are in good agreement with the results ofother authors.

Chemical composition of eclipsing binaries: a new approach to the helium-to-metal enrichment ratio
The chemical enrichment law Y(Z) is studied by using detacheddouble-lined eclipsing binaries with accurate absolute dimensions andeffective temperatures. A sample of 50 suitable systems was collectedfrom the literature, and their effective temperatures were carefullyre-determined. The chemical composition of each of the systems wasobtained by comparison with stellar evolutionary models, under theassumption that they should fit an isochrone to the observed propertiesof the components. Evolutionary models covering a wide grid in Z and Ywere adopted for our study. An algorithm was developed for searching thebest-fitting chemical composition (and the age) for the systems, basedon the minimization of a χ2 function. The errors (andbiases) of these parameters were estimated by means of Monte Carlosimulations, with special care put on the correlations existing betweenthe errors of both components. In order to check the physicalconsistency of the results, we compared our metallicity values withempirical determinations, obtaining excellent coherence. Theindependently derived Z and Y values yielded a determination of thechemical enrichment law via weighted linear least-squares fit. Our valueof the slope, ΔY/ΔZ=2.2+/-0.8, is in good agreement withrecent results, but it has a smaller formal error and it is free ofsystematic effects. Linear extrapolation of the enrichment law to zerometals leads to an estimation of the primordial helium abundance ofYp=0.225+/-0.013, possibly affected by systematics in theeffective temperature determination.

Comments on the Apsidal Period of V1647 Sagittarii
The apsidal motion of V1647 Sagittarii is reviewed and some doubts areput in evidence: for some photographic observed minima an absurd resultis obtained (cos(a) < -1), and from the photoelectric andspectroscopic observations it is found that two values of the apsidalperiod (U = 727 and U = 648 years) have the same degree of probability.The binary system V1647 Sgr is therefore recomended for new series ofphotoelectric and spectroscopic observations.

Apsidal motion in southern eccentric eclipsing binaries: YY Sgr, V523 Sgr, V1647 Sgr, V2283 Sgr and V760 Sco
Several new times of minimum light recorded with photoelectric meanshave been gathered for the early-type eccentric eclipsing binaries YYSgr (P = 2fd 63, e = 0.16), V523 Sgr (2fd 32, 0.16), V1647 Sgr (3fd 28,0.41), V2283 Sgr (3fd 47, 0.49) and V760 Sco (1fd 73, 0.03). The O - Cdiagrams are analyzed using all reliable timings found in the literatureand improved values for the elements of the apsidal motion are computed.We find more precise periods of apsidal motion of about 290, 202, 531,528 and 38.5 years for YY Sgr, V523 Sgr V1647 Sgr, V2283 Sgr and V760Sco, respectively. The corresponding internal structure constants logk_2 are derived and compared to their theoretical values. Based onobservations collected at the South Africa Astronomical Observatory,Sutherland, South Africa

Do the physical properties of Ap binaries depend on their orbital elements?
We reveal sufficient evidence that the physical characteristics of Apstars are related to binarity. The Ap star peculiarity [represented bythe Δ(V1-G) value and magnetic field strength] diminishes witheccentricity, and it may also increase with orbital period(Porb). This pattern, however, does not hold for largeorbital periods. A striking gap that occurs in the orbital perioddistribution of Ap binaries at 160-600d might well mark a discontinuityin the above-mentioned behaviour. There is also an interestingindication that the Ap star eccentricities are relatively lower thanthose of corresponding B9-A2 normal binaries for Porb>10d.All this gives serious support to the pioneering idea of Abt &Snowden concerning a possible interplay between the magnetism of Apstars and their binarity. Nevertheless, we argue instead in favour ofanother mechanism, namely that it is binarity that affects magnetism andnot the opposite, and suggest the presence of a newmagnetohydrodynamical mechanism induced by the stellar companion andstretching to surprisingly large Porb.

Apsidal Motion in Double Stars. I. Catalog
A catalog of 128 double stars with measured periods of apsidal motion iscompiled. Besides the apsidal periods, the orbital elements of binariesand physical parameters of components (masses, radii, effectivetemperatures, surface gravities) are given. The agreement of the apsidalperiods found by various authors is discussed.

Further discussion of binary star radio survey data
Statistical information on 8280 individual radio observations of binarystars, predominantly at 8.4 GHz using the Parkes 64 m antenna, ispresented. Three main groups are distinguished: (i) RS CVn stars, (ii)classical Algol binaries (EA2s) and (iii) detached pairs of generallyearly type (ETBs). The RS CVn stars more frequently gave rise todetectable fluxes, while the ETBs, in this data, are a small and ratherheterogeneous class. The Algols' emission appears to increase nearconjunction phases, though we cannot clearly distinguish any specialproperty of the Algols' phase-dependent behaviour which is not alsoshared by the RS CVn binaries. Both these categories' data show abimodal, phase-dependent pattern to the distribution of detections,suggesting both binary types share similar underlying physicalproperties, though there could also be other factors at play. The samplesizes of the Algols and particularly the ETB detections are too smallfor effective, discriminatory statistics, however.

Effective temperature of detached eclipsing binaries from HIPPARCOS parallax
Effective temperatures of detached eclipsing binaries computed throughHipparcos trigonometric parallaxes are compared with the photometricdeterminations. The former are based on the values of the radius, theapparent visual magnitude and the bolometric correction of the star,whereas the latter are obtained from standard calibrations usingStromgren or Johnson colour indices. The working sample contains allwell-studied detached double-lined eclipsing binaries belonging to theHipparcos catalogue and with relative errors in the parallaxes smallerthan 20%. They cover a temperature range from 5000 K to 25000 K. A smallsystematic trend of 0.010 dex (s.d. 0.010) for T_eff <= 10000 K andof 0.015 dex (s.d. 0.060) for T_eff > 10000 K is observed between thetwo temperature determinations, that could be due to inaccuracies onphotometric effective temperatures. Based on data from the ESA Hipparcosastrometry satellite

Further critical tests of stellar evolution by means of double-lined eclipsing binaries
The most accurately measured stellar masses and radii come fromdetached, double-lined eclipsing binaries, as compiled by Andersen. Wepresent a detailed quantitative comparison of these fundamental datawith evolution models for single stars computed with our evolution code,both with and without the effects of enhanced mixing or overshootingbeyond the convective cores. We use the same prescription forovershooting that Schroder, Pols & Eggleton found to reproduce theproperties of zeta Aurigae binaries. For about 80 per cent of the 49binary systems in the sample, both sets of models provide a good fit toboth stars at a single age and metallicity within the observationaluncertainties. We discuss possible causes for the discrepancies in theother systems. For only one system, AI Hya, do the enhanced-mixingmodels provide a significantly better fit to the data. For two others(WX Cep and TZ For) the fit to the enhanced-mixing models is alsobetter. None of the other systems can individually distinguish betweenthe models with and without enhanced mixing. However, the number ofsystems in a post-main-sequence phase is in much better agreement withthe enhanced-mixing models. This test provides supportive evidence forextended mixing in main-sequence stars in the range 2-3Msolar.

MSC - a catalogue of physical multiple stars
The MSC catalogue contains data on 612 physical multiple stars ofmultiplicity 3 to 7 which are hierarchical with few exceptions. Orbitalperiods, angular separations and mass ratios are estimated for eachsub-system. Orbital elements are given when available. The catalogue canbe accessed through CDS (Strasbourg). Half of the systems are within 100pc from the Sun. The comparison of the periods of close and widesub-systems reveals that there is no preferred period ratio and allpossible combinations of periods are found. The distribution of thelogarithms of short periods is bimodal, probably due to observationalselection. In 82\% of triple stars the close sub-system is related tothe primary of a wide pair. However, the analysis of mass ratiodistribution gives some support to the idea that component masses areindependently selected from the Salpeter mass function. Orbits of wideand close sub-systems are not always coplanar, although thecorresponding orbital angular momentum vectors do show a weak tendencyof alignment. Some observational programs based on the MSC aresuggested. Tables 2 and 3 are only available in electronic form at theCDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via

The apsidal motion test of stellar structure in relativistic systems.
We have compared observational data of apsidal motion rates forrelativistic eclipsing binaries with theoretical predictions based onstellar theoretical models. Ten double-lined eclipsing binaries withhigh quality light curves and radial velocities were selected. Theanalysis of the data available indicate that the predictions by theGeneral Relativity and the new stellar models are able to explain theshift in the periastron position. The two versions of thenon-symmetrical theory of gravitation were also investigated. The earlyversion of this theory (Moffat, 1984ApJ...287L..77M) is not supportedwhen contrasted with recent observational data since it predicts tooslow apsidal motion rates. The more recent version (Moffat,1989PhRvD..39..474M) presents several problems in its formulation, liketoo many degrees of freedom and some parameters for which there is nosevere physical constraint. Moreover, such a theory is not able topredict a priori the apsidal motion rates.

Photometric versus empirical surface gravities of eclipsing binaries.
Systematic differences in photometric stellar surface gravitydetermination are studied by means of the comparison with empiricalvalues derived from detached double-lined eclipsing binaries.Photometric gravities were computed using Moon & Dworetsky(1985MNRAS.217..305M) grids based on Kurucz (1979ApJS...40....1K)atmosphere models, and empirical gravities were taken from Andersen(1991A&ARv...3...91A). Individual Stroemgren colours and βindices of each component of the binary system have to be taken intoaccount to correctly analyze the observed differences. A compilation ofdata on a sample containing 30 detached double-lined eclipsing binarieswith accurate (=~1-2%) determination of mass and radius and availableuvbyHbeta_ photometric data is also presented. Correction ofthe differences in terms of T_eff_ and logg for the range11000K

Absolute dimensions of eclipsing binaries. XXI. V906 Scorpii: a triple system member of M 7.
We present an analysis based on new uvby light curves and spectroscopicdata of the detached triple-lined B-type eclipsing binary V906 Sco. Theuvby light curves are analysed with an extended version of theWilson-Devinney program. The spectroscopic CCD observations are analysedwith both the Sterne and the Lehmann-Filhes methods. We conclude fromthe combined analysis that the triple system V906 Sco is a member of theopen cluster M 7 and that its B-type eclipsing components are still onthe main sequence, at an age of (2.4+/-0.3)x10^8^yrs, already close tothe TAMS (especially the more massive one). The system is older than thetime for circularization of the orbit, and the small eccentricity isprobably caused by the third component, which, however, is unlikely tobe the main responsible for the apsidal motion, probably more influencedby tidal and rotational deformation. We determine absolute dimensions ofhigh precision (errors <2%): M_A_=3.25+/-0.07, R_A_=3.52+/-0.04,M_B_=3.38+/-0.07 and R_B_=4.52+/-0.04, in solar units. The system isdetached, with both components in synchronous rotation, and thereforerepresentative for normal stars.

Far-Ultraviolet Stellar Photometry: Fields Centered on rho Ophiuchi and the Galactic Center
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거리:114.943 파섹
적경상의 고유운동:-18.5
적위상의 고유운동:-3.6
B-T magnitude:7.178
V-T magnitude:7.098

HD 1989HD 163708
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 7390-1395-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0525-31132779
HIPHIP 88069

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