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HD 94613



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Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system.
Not Available

On the Origin of Long Secondary Periods in Semiregular Variables
The presence of a long secondary period (LSP) in the light curves ofsome local semiregular variables has been known for many years.Furthermore, the LSPs have recently been found in the light curves ofapproximately 25% of the semiregular variables in the LMC. Theytypically have a length of ~500-4000 days, some 5-15 times longer thanthe primary period. Binarity, pulsation, periodic dust ejection, androtation have been suggested as the origin of the LSPs. Here we analyzeechelle spectra of a group of local semiregular variables with LSPs(hereafter LSPVs) in order to try to distinguish between thesesuggestions. In general, we find that LSPVs do not have broader spectralfeatures than semiregulars without a long secondary period (hereafternon-LSPVs). The general upper limit on the equatorial rotation velocityof 3 km s-1 rules out rotating spot and similar models. OneLSPV, V Hya, does have broader spectral lines than similar carbon stars,but it is shown here that rotation alone is not a good model forexplaining the broad lines. Mid-infrared colors of LSPs and non-LSPVsare similar and there are no LSPVs showing the large (60-25) μm IRAScolor exhibited by some R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars. Thus, there isno evidence for periodic dust ejection from LSPVs. Finally, we find thatthe LSPVs show larger radial velocity variations than non-LSPVs, whichsuggests that LSPs are caused either by binarity or by pulsation. Asimilar conclusion was derived by Hinkle and co-workers.

Hipparcos red stars in the HpV_T2 and V I_C systems
For Hipparcos M, S, and C spectral type stars, we provide calibratedinstantaneous (epoch) Cousins V - I color indices using newly derivedHpV_T2 photometry. Three new sets of ground-based Cousins V I data havebeen obtained for more than 170 carbon and red M giants. These datasetsin combination with the published sources of V I photometry served toobtain the calibration curves linking Hipparcos/Tycho Hp-V_T2 with theCousins V - I index. In total, 321 carbon stars and 4464 M- and S-typestars have new V - I indices. The standard error of the mean V - I isabout 0.1 mag or better down to Hp~9 although it deteriorates rapidly atfainter magnitudes. These V - I indices can be used to verify thepublished Hipparcos V - I color indices. Thus, we have identified ahandful of new cases where, instead of the real target, a random fieldstar has been observed. A considerable fraction of the DMSA/C and DMSA/Vsolutions for red stars appear not to be warranted. Most likely suchspurious solutions may originate from usage of a heavily biased color inthe astrometric processing.Based on observations from the Hipparcos astrometric satellite operatedby the European Space Agency (ESA 1997).}\fnmsep\thanks{Table 7 is onlyavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp ( or via

Polarimetry of 167 Cool Variable Stars: Data
Multicolor photoelectric polarimetry is presented for 167 stars, most ofwhich are variable stars. The observations constitute a data set thatfor some stars covers a time span of 35 yr. Complex variations are foundover time and wavelength and in both the amount of polarization and itsposition angle, providing constraints for understanding the polarizingenvironments in and around these cool stars.

Stars with the Largest Hipparcos Photometric Amplitudes
A list of the 2027 stars that have the largest photometric amplitudes inHipparcos Photometry shows that most variable stars are all Miras. Thepercentage of variable types change as a function of amplitude. Thiscompilation should also be of value to photometrists looking forrelatively unstudied, but large amplitude stars.

Moderate-Resolution Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Cool Stars: A New K-Band Library
I present an atlas of near-infrared K-band spectra of 31 late-typegiants and supergiants and two carbon stars. The spectra were obtainedat resolving powers of 830 and 2000, and have a signal-to-noise ratio>~100. These data are complemented with results from similar existinglibraries in both K and H band, and they are used to identify varioustools useful for stellar population studies at moderate resolution. Ifocus on several of the most prominent absorption features and (1)investigate the effects of spectral resolution on measurements of theirequivalent width (EW), (2) examine the variations with stellarparameters of the EWs, and (3) construct composite indices as indicatorsof stellar parameters and of the contribution from excess continuumsources commonly found in star-forming and AGN galaxies. Among thefeatures considered, the 12CO (2,0) and 12CO (6,3)bandheads together with the Si I 1.59 μm feature, first proposed byOliva, Origlia, and coworkers, constitute the best diagnostic set forstellar spectral classification and for constraining the excesscontinuum emission. The Ca I 2.26 μm and Mg I 2.28 μm featuresoffer alternatives in the K band to the 12CO (6,3) bandheadand Si I feature.

Magnitudes absolues des étoiles standards MK des types G à M à partir des parallaxes Hipparcos. The absolute magnitudes of the G to M type MK standards from the Hipparcos parallaxes
We analyse a sample of about 500 MK standards of cool spectral types (Gto M) for to compare the visual absolute magnitudes obtained from bothHipparcos data and Schmidt-Kaler calibrations. Our purpose is tovalidate our spectroscopic work \cite[(Ginestet et al. 1997, 1999)]{G97}on stars with composite spectra with the help of Hipparcos data.Contrary to what is claimed in other papers, the absolute magnitudedomain devoted to the giant stars does not overlap the domain of dwarfs.We find that the discrepancies between absolute magnitudes fromHipparcos data and absolute magnitudes deduced from Schmidt-Kalercalibrations increase with the relative error sigma (pi )/pi on theparallaxes. So, for sigma (pi )/pi <= 0.05 only 3% of the starspresent a discrepancy of one luminosity class, while this percentagereaches 54% for 0.25 < sigma (pi )/pi <= 0.50. Curiously, theluminosity of the giants seems to increase with the distance of thestars, whereas the supergiants of the sample appear underluminous atleast for d < 600 pc! We point out a list of 14 MK standards whoseluminosity classes may be erroneous and need a new spectralclassification, in the near infrared. The case of composite-spectrumbinaries is also discussed. Most of these are too distant for accurateparallaxes even with Hipparcos: only sixteen stars have sigma (pi )/pi<= 0.10; for these, we give new spectral classifications in agreementwith both our classifications in the near infrared of the coolcomponents and Hipparcos data. Finally, for stars having high-precisionparallaxes (sigma (pi )/pi <= 5%) there is no serious problem forSchmidt-Kaler calibrations whith respect to Hipparcos data. The datacorresponding to parallaxes of lower precisions should be used withcaution and only for statistical analyses.

The luminosity index for M stars and the distance to the LMC.
Not Available

Classification and Identification of IRAS Sources with Low-Resolution Spectra
IRAS low-resolution spectra were extracted for 11,224 IRAS sources.These spectra were classified into astrophysical classes, based on thepresence of emission and absorption features and on the shape of thecontinuum. Counterparts of these IRAS sources in existing optical andinfrared catalogs are identified, and their optical spectral types arelisted if they are known. The correlations between thephotospheric/optical and circumstellar/infrared classification arediscussed.

Quantitative spectral classification of galactic disc K-M stars from spectrophotometric measurements
New spectral observations for 47 southern galactic red supergiantsobtained with the new RUBIKON spectrophotometer (developed at theAstronomisches Institut der Ruhr-Universitat Bochum) at the Bochum 61-cmtelescope on La Silla are presented. The spectra range from 4800 to 7700A and their resolution is 10 A. The mean error of absolute fluxes is0.028 mag and that of relative fluxes 0.021 mag. The spectra will beavailable at the Strasbourg Stellar Database (CDS). Together with datataken from recently published spectral catalogues, the new observationshave been used to define spectral indices as measures of the strengthsof the following features: Fe i+TiOalpha_1, Mgb+TiOalpha_0,NaD+TiOgamma'_1, TiOgamma'_0 and TiOgamma_1 systems. The indices havebeen checked against errors introduced by reductions, interstellarreddening and different resolutions of different spectral catalogues,and have been found to be very insensitive to all these effects.Therefore, different catalogues may be combined without any loss ofaccuracy and homogeneity. The mean error of a single index has beenfound to be 0.011 mag. For stars from K4 to M7, a strong temperaturedependence is found for all indices. For the Fe i+TiO and especially theMgb+TiO features, a strong dependence on luminosity has also beenobserved. These indices therefore have been combined to form aluminosity index, while the others together form a spectral index. Thecombined indices have been calibrated in terms of MK data using thestepwise linear regression technique, and may be used for quantitativetwo- dimensional spectral classification of late K- and M-type stars.The mean error of the classification is 0.6 of spectral subtype and 0.8of luminosity class, which is much higher than would be expected fromthe uncertainty of the indices alone (which, e.g., for an M4 giantcorrespond to an uncertainty of 0.1 of spectral subtype and 0.3 ofluminosity class). This may be explained by the uncertainty of theoriginal MK classifications and the variability of some programme stars.

1612 MHz OH survey of IRAS point sources. I - Observations made at Dwingeloo, Effelsberg and Parkes
The data from a large sky survey are presented including a northernpilot study and a detailed southern study in which detections are biasedtoward the most evolved sources and distant sources. Both areinvestigated at the 1612-MHz transition of OH to take advantage of thestrongest line for AGB stars with optically thick dust shells. The IRASsources are chosen by considering their IR colors related to fluxes at12, 25, and 60 microns. Observations are reported for 2703 IRAS pointsources at the 1612-MHz transition, and 738 OH/IR stars are detected.The survey identifies 597 of the sources as previously unidentified, and95 percent of the OH profiles observed have twin-peak masercharacteristics which are related to emission from expandingcircumstellar shells. The other 5 percent of the sources are concludedto be transition objects between OH/IR stars and planetary nebulae.

The Perkins catalog of revised MK types for the cooler stars
A catalog is presented listing the spectral types of the G, K, M, and Sstars that have been classified at the Perkins Observatory in therevised MK system. Extensive comparisons have been made to ensureconsistency between the MK spectral types of stars in the Northern andSouthern Hemispheres. Different classification spectrograms have beengradually improved in spite of some inherent limitations. In thecatalog, the full subclasses used are the following: G0, G5, G8, K0, K1,K2, K3, K4, K5, M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, and M8. Theirregularities are the price paid for keeping the general scheme of theoriginal Henry Draper classification.

A list of MK standard stars
Not Available

Circumstellar environments. III - M-supergiants
Spectra of M-supergiants in the 7-100-micron region are studied. Thecircumstellar silicate dust features at 9.7 and 18 microns are found tobe of variable width. Although most stars are shown to exhibit theclassical circumstellar silicate dust features typified by those ofAlpha Ori, some, such as VX SGr, exhibit much broader features.Mass-loss rates are given for 31 M-supergiants.

1988 Revised MK Spectral Standards for Stars GO and Later
Not Available

Some Errors Detected in Three Catalogues
Not Available

Near-infrared spectral classification of symbiotic stars
Near-infrared spectra of 16 symbiotic stars and 29 G, K and M standardstars are presented. The spectrograms are used to classify the coolcomponents in symbiotic stars. The equivalent width of the CN bandfeature at (7916 + 7941) A is demonstrated to be a quantitativeluminosity indicator for classes III to I in the (single) M0 to M3standard stars. Six of the observed symbiotic stars have temperatureclasses within this range and the criterium is applied to theirspectrograms. Accordingly, four of the late-type components are normalgiants, while the nature of two systems remains ambiguous. The resultsare discussed in the light of presently proposed interacting binarymodels for symbiotic stars.

IRAS catalogues and atlases - Atlas of low-resolution spectra
Plots of all 5425 spectra in the IRAS catalogue of low-resolutionspectra are presented. The catalogue contains the average spectra ofmost IRAS poiont sources with 12 micron flux densities above 10 Jy.

1985 revised MK spectral standards : stars GO and later
Not Available

Revised MK Spectral Standard Stars Later than G0
Not Available

Some Variable Stars in the SRS Catalogue
Not Available

Revised MK spectral types for G, K, and M stars
A catalog of spectral types of 552 G, K, and M stars is presented, whichis classified on the revised MK system. Stellar representatives of thehalo, disk, and arm populations in all parts of the sky are included.Photoelectric V magnitudes are given, as are intensity estimates of anyfeatures which make the spectrum appear peculiar as compared to thespectrum of a similar normal star. Abundance indices are also providedin the following lines or bands: CN, barium, Fe, calcium, and CH.

A photoelectric measurement of magnesium for late-type stars
A photoelectric index of MgH + Mg b for late-type stars has been createdby the addition of one filter bandpass to the DDO system. Measurementsshow that this index has good sensitivity to surface gravity for Kstars, and suggest that it can differentiate metal-poor halo giants fromdisk stars. From this index, involving measurement through two filtersalone, it appears that membership can be determined for stars on thegiant branch of globular clusters. It is possible that the index couldbe used, after calibration with cluster giants, to determine ages ofgiant stars in the field.

Photoelectric two-dimensional spectral classification of M supergiants
A photoelectric system defined by eight narrow bands between 0.7 and 1.1microns has been used to measure nearly all M supergiants that have beenclassified on the MK system. The photometric TiO and CN indicesreproduce the two-dimensional MK classifications to the accuracy of theMK types themselves. Mean fluxes and spectral classifications arepresented for 128 stars.

Southern search for OH from M supergiants
Results are reported of a search for OH emission from about 50 southernM supergiants, and it is concluded that most optically identified Msupergiants do not have substantial emission at 1612 MHz. Fromexamination of the published OH profiles of unidentified Type II OH/IRstars, it is also concluded that only a small percentage (about 10%) ofthese stars have spectra similar to those of known OH supergiants,suggesting that Type II OH supergiants are an extremely rare class ofobject. A list of unidentified sources which may be supergiants isgiven.

O stars and supergiants south of declination -53 0.
Abstract image available at:

A velocity separation of stars and gas in Carina
In the Carina spiral feature near galactic longitude of 290 deg, asignificant difference of 10-20 km/sec is observed between the motionsof the young stars and neutral hydrogen gas. The region of theseanomalous motions may extend from 3 to 7 kpc from the sun and is only 2deg wide in longitude. This region may best be described as a narrowsheet, particularly since the extent in latitude is uncertain. Twopossible interpretations of the optical and radio evidence for spiralstructure would place this peculiar region either on the inner side ofthe spiral feature or along the central axis of the optical spiral arm.The observed velocity anomaly has the right sign and a reasonableamplitude for a shock-front effect, and the applicability of Roberts'sshock-wave model of spiral structure to this anomalous region isdiscussed.

Photometric standards for the southern hemisphere. II
Abstract image available at:

Structure and motions in the CAR spiral feature.
Abstract image available at:

Spectroscopic and Photometric Observations of M Supergiants in Carina.
Abstract image available at:

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거리:2000 파섹
적경상의 고유운동:-7
적위상의 고유운동:1
B-T magnitude:10.329
V-T magnitude:7.945

HD 1989HD 94613
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 8962-361-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0225-09796855
HIPHIP 53300

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