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HD 108939



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관련 글

Local interstellar medium kinematics towards the Southern Coalsack and Chamaeleon-Musca dark clouds
We present the results of a spectroscopic programme aiming toinvestigate the kinematics of the local interstellar medium componentstowards the Southern Coalsack and Chamaeleon-Musca dark clouds. Theanalysis is based upon high-resolution (R~ 60000) spectra of theinterstellar Na I D absorption lines towards 63 B-type stars (d<= 500pc) selected to cover these clouds and the connecting area defined bythe Galactic coordinates: 308°>=l>= 294° and-22°<=b<= 5°. The radial velocities, column densities,velocity dispersions, colour excess and photometric distances to thestars are used to understand the kinematics and distribution of theinterstellar cloud components. The analysis indicates that theinterstellar gas is distributed in two extended sheet-like structurespermeating the whole area, one at d<= 60 pc and another around120-150 pc from the Sun. The nearby feature is approaching the localstandard of rest with an average radial velocity of -7 kms-1, has low average column density logNNaI~ 11.2cm-2 and velocity dispersion b~ 5 km s-1. The moredistant feature has column densities between 12.3 <=logNNaI<= 13.2, average velocity dispersion b~ 2.5 kms-1 and seems associated with the dust sheet observed towardsthe Coalsack, Musca and Chamaeleon direction. Its velocity is centredaround 0 km s-1, but there is a trend for increasing from -3km s-1 near b= 1° to 3 km s-1 near b=-18°.The nearby low column density feature indicates a general outflow fromthe Sco-Cen association, in agreement with several independent lines ofdata in the general searched direction. The dust and gas feature around120-150 pc seem to be part of an extended large-scale feature of similarkinematic properties, supposedly identified with the interaction zone ofthe Local and Loop I Bubbles. Assuming that the interface and thering-like volume of dense neutral matter that would have been formedduring the collision of the two bubbles have similar properties, ourresults suggest that the interaction zone between the bubbles is twistedand folded.

The distance and structure of the Coalsack. I - Photometric data
The results of UBV and H-beta photometry for 284 stars of spectral typesB to F located in the area of the dark cloud Coalsack are presented.Most of the present stars are brighter than 10.0 mag and are classifiedin the MK system of Houk and Cowley (1975). For each star, the bestvalues for the extinction and distance modulus are provided, withtypical estimated errors of + or - 0.08 mag for the extinction and + or- 0.32 mag for the distance modulus. Possible misclassifications andspectral peculiarities are noted for several of the stars.

The Southern Coalsack - Extinction and distance
H-beta and uvby photometric observations are reported for 236 stars oftypes B, A, and F in the region of the Southern Coalsack. Data obtainedwith the 50-cm Stromgren Automatic Telescope at ESO are presented inextensive tables, graphs, and maps and characterized in detail. Threedistinct structures are identified: (1) a nearby region (d less than 200pc) dominated by stars in front of the Coalsack, with evidence of a verydiffuse feature; (2) an intermediate region (d = 200-1100 pc) with starsreddened by Coalsack dust and/or the ISM behind it; and (3) a distantregion (d = 1.1-3.0 kpc) in which the reddening of 22 early B starsimplies a color-excess lower limit of E(b-y) = 0.230 mag, consistentwith a 10,000-solar-mass cloud at d = 1.2 kpc. The average upper-limitdistance to the main Coalsack components is estimated as 180 + or - 26pc, with some material possibly as near as 120 pc.

Stromgren and H-beta photometry of stars earlier than G0 in the Southern Coalsack direction
Four-color and H-beta photometry have been obtained for 236 starsearlier than G0 in order to study the color excess distribution in theSouthern Coalsack direction. The beta histogram of the stars reveals arelative absence of stars in the range of A4 to A9. The (b-y)distribution for B-type stars suggests the existence of three differenttypes of stars located at different distances.

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관측 및 측정 데이터

거리:2272.727 파섹
적경상의 고유운동:-8.5
적위상의 고유운동:2.6
B-T magnitude:8.087
V-T magnitude:8.068

HD 1989HD 108939
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 8975-2847-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0225-14587679
HIPHIP 61115

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