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HD 107512



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Beryllium Abundances in F and G Dwarfs in the Coma Cluster and the Ursa Major Moving Group from Keck HIRES Observations
The study of both light elements Li and Be in open clusters of knownproperties can reveal the internal structure and the mechanisms ofmixing in main-sequence stars as a function of age and composition. Inprevious work, we have investigated the older Hyades cluster and theyounger Pleiades and α Per clusters. The Coma Berenices clusterand the UMa moving group are intermediate in age between the Hyades andPleiades and provide a good linchpin for the influence of stellar age onlight-element abundances; there are dips in the mid-F stars in both Liand Be in the Hyades but no Be dip and only a minor Li dip in thePleiades. We have made observations of the resonance doublet of Be IInear 3130 Å in 13 Coma and six UMa stars with the Keck I telescopeand the High Resolution Echelle Spectrometer. The Be abundances weredetermined by spectrum synthesis. In the F dwarfs in Coma, there areboth Li and Be deficiencies, indicating that the depletions occur duringthe main-sequence phase of evolution but do not become evident until anage of 200-300 Myr. For both UMa and Coma stars, the Li depletion isgreater than the Be depletion at all temperatures, but there is little,if any, Be depletion in stars with Teff<6000 K. In thefour clusters studied for Be, the mean Be abundance for stars withtemperatures less than 6000 K is logN(Be/H)+12.00=1.27, independent ofage or metal content. For the hotter stars (5850-6680 K), the Li and Beabundances are correlated, indicating that the depletion probably occurssimultaneously; this matches the results for the field stars and theHyades and the predictions of Li and Be depletion by rotationallyinduced mixing.

Lithium in the low-mass stars of the Coma Berenices open cluster
I report lithium abundances and radial velocities for 15 late F, G and Kstars in the Coma Berenices open cluster. All the stars are propermotion members, and the radial velocities enable us to confirmmembership for 11 single stars and identify three SB1 systems and oneshort-period SB2 system that are very probable cluster members. Thepattern of Li abundances is similar to that in the Hyades, with someevidence for higher Li abundances in Coma Ber for T_eff<5700 K. Iargue that these data do not support standard models for Li depletioninvolving only convective mixing, because the Coma Ber stars haveconsistently determined lower metallicities and shallower convectionzones than the Hyades and should have suffered a great deal less Lidepletion than observed. Instead, it seems that the Li abundances inthese and other young clusters are primarily ranked according to theirage rather than their metallicity. I propose a scenario where theextreme metallicity dependence of pre-main-sequence Li depletion istempered by a mechanism that severely inhibits convective mixing, wherecontinued main-sequence depletion occurs via non-standard mixingmechanisms, and where any dependence of Li depletion on metallicitytakes at least several hundred Myr to emerge.

Member stars of the open cluster Mel 111 in Coma Berenices
Proper motions of AGK3 stars in a 6 x 6 deg field centered on the opencluster Mel 111 in Coma Berenices have been used for selecting starswhich are probable members of the cluster. Available photometric dataand radial velocities have been used to refine the selection. Seventeennew candidates are proposed.

Further Studies of A-Stars and F-Stars in the Region of the North Galactic Pole - Part Three - a Catalogue of Star Names and Positions
Not Available

Space distribution of stars of intermediate spectral type in a North galactic pole region.
Abstract image available at:

Investigations on the stars in high galactic latitudes. III. Spectrophotometric analysis of about 3000 stars down to the photographic magnitude 13.5.
Not Available

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관측 및 측정 데이터

적경상의 고유운동:2.4
적위상의 고유운동:-26.3
B-T magnitude:9.801
V-T magnitude:9.144

HD 1989HD 107512
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 2528-368-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1200-06884245
HIPHIP 60256

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