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HD 163892



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An Extended FUSE Survey of Diffuse O VI Emission in the Interstellar Medium
We present a survey of diffuse O VI emission in the interstellar medium(ISM) obtained with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE).Spanning 5.5 yr of FUSE observations, from launch through 2004 December,our data set consists of 2925 exposures along 183 sight lines, includingall of those with previously published O VI detections. The data wereprocessed using an implementation of CalFUSE version 3.1 modified tooptimize the signal-to-noise ratio and velocity scale of spectra from anaperture-filling source. Of our 183 sight lines, 73 show O VIλ1032 emission, 29 at >3 σ significance. Six of the 3σ features have velocities |vLSR|>120 kms-1, while the others have |vLSR|<=50 kms-1. Measured intensities range from 1800 to 9100 LU (lineunit; 1 photon cm-2 s-1 sr-1), with amedian of 3300 LU. Combining our results with published O VI absorptiondata, we find that an O VI-bearing interface in the local ISM yields anelectron density ne=0.2-0.3 cm-3 and a path lengthof 0.1 pc, while O VI-emitting regions associated with high-velocityclouds in the Galactic halo have densities an order of magnitude lowerand path lengths 2 orders of magnitude longer. Although the O VIintensities along these sight lines are similar, the emission isproduced by gas with very different properties.Based on observations made with the NASA-CNES-CSA Far UltravioletSpectroscopic Explorer. FUSE is operated for NASA by Johns HopkinsUniversity under NASA contract NAS5-32985.

On the Hipparcos parallaxes of O stars
We compare the absolute visual magnitude of the majority of bright Ostars in the sky as predicted from their spectral type with the absolutemagnitude calculated from their apparent magnitude and the Hipparcosparallax. We find that many stars appear to be much fainter thanexpected, up to five magnitudes. We find no evidence for a correlationbetween magnitude differences and the stellar rotational velocity assuggested for OB stars by Lamers et al. (1997, A&A, 325, L25), whosesmall sample of stars is partly included in ours. Instead, by means of asimulation we show how these differences arise naturally from the largedistances at which O stars are located, and the level of precision ofthe parallax measurements achieved by Hipparcos. Straightforwardlyderiving a distance from the Hipparcos parallax yields reliable resultsfor one or two O stars only. We discuss several types of bias reportedin the literature in connection with parallax samples (Lutz-Kelker,Malmquist) and investigate how they affect the O star sample. Inaddition, we test three absolute magnitude calibrations from theliterature (Schmidt-Kaler et al. 1982, Landolt-Börnstein; Howarth& Prinja 1989, ApJS, 69, 527; Vacca et al. 1996, ApJ, 460, 914) andfind that they are consistent with the Hipparcos measurements. AlthoughO stars conform nicely to the simulation, we notice that some B stars inthe sample of \citeauthor{La97} have a magnitude difference larger thanexpected.

A Galactic O Star Catalog
We have produced a catalog of 378 Galactic O stars with accuratespectral classifications that is complete for V<8 but includes manyfainter stars. The catalog provides cross-identifications with othersources; coordinates (obtained in most cases from Tycho-2 data);astrometric distances for 24 of the nearest stars; optical (Tycho-2,Johnson, and Strömgren) and NIR photometry; group membership,runaway character, and multiplicity information; and a Web-based versionwith links to on-line services.

A study of RV in Galactic O stars from the 2MASS catalogue
We present new measurements of the interstellar reddening parameterRV=AV/E(B-V) towards 185 O stars, using J, H,Ks photometry from the 2MASS project. The results arecombined with data from the literature of 95 stars where RVhas been derived with the same technique, 22 of which in common with ourpresent sample from the 2MASS project catalogue. The averageRV from these 258 O stars is of 3.19 +/- 0.50. All objectswhose RV departs from this value by more than 2 sigma havebeen recognized. Ten objects have RV higher than this valueand two lower. It is found that anomalous RV can scarcely beassociated with anomalies in the general interstellar medium, e.g. withdifferent behaviour in different spiral arms. They are clearly linked tolocal cloud effect. In the Cygnus region RV values follow thebehaviour of the general interstellar medium, while in the Carina arm,in spite of the relatively larger distance, local cloud effects prevail.An explanation for this is suggested. The relatively few stars of oursample whose Hipparcos parallaxes are reliable, are found to havedistances systematically smaller than the distances derived by thespectroscopic parallaxes. We argue that this effect is consistent withthe recently claimed discovery of grey extinction towards OB stars.This publication makes use of data products from the Two Micron All SkySurvey (2MASS), which is a joint project of the University ofMassachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/CaliforniaInstitute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration and the National Science Foundation.Tables 1 and 2 are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/410/905

Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Snapshot Survey of O VI Variability in the Winds of 66 OB-Type Stars
We have used the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer to conduct asnapshot survey of O VI variability in the winds of 66 OB-type stars inthe Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds. These time series consist of twoor three observations separated by intervals ranging from a few days toseveral months. Although these time series provide the bare minimum ofinformation required to detect variations, this survey demonstrates thatthe O VI doublet in the winds of OB-type stars is variable on variousscales in both time and velocity. For spectral types from O3 to B1, 64%vary in time. At spectral types later than B1, no wind variability isobserved. In view of the limitations of this survey, this fractionrepresents a lower limit on the true incidence of variability in the OVI wind lines, which is very common and probably ubiquitous. Incontrast, for S IV and P V, only a small percentage of the whole sampleshows wind variations, although this may be principally due to selectioneffects. The observed variations extend over several hundreds ofkilometers per second of the wind profile and can be strong. The widthover which the wind O VI profile varies is only weakly correlated withthe terminal velocity (v&infy;), but a significantcorrelation (close to a 1:1 relationship) is derived between the maximumvelocity of the variation and v&infy;. High-velocity O VIwind absorption features (possibly related to the discrete absorptioncomponents seen in other wind lines) are also observed in 46% of thecases for spectral types from O3 to B0.5. These features are variable,but the nature of their propagation cannot be determined from thissurvey. If X-rays can produce sufficient O VI by Auger ionization of OIV and the X-rays originate from strong shocks in the wind, this studysuggests that stronger shocks occur more frequently nearv&infy;, causing an enhancement of O VI nearv&infy;.

The total-to-selective extinction ratio determined from near IR photometry of OB stars
The paper presents an extensive list of the total to selectiveextinction ratios R calculated from the infrared magnitudes of 597 O andB stars using the extrapolation method. The IR magnitudes of these starswere taken from the literature. The IR colour excesses are determinedwith the aid of "artificial standards" - Wegner (1994). The individualand mean values of total to selective extinction ratios R differ in mostcases from the average value R=3.10 +/-0.05 - Wegner (1993) in differentOB associations. The relation between total to selective extinctionratios R determined in this paper and those calculated using the "methodof variable extinction" and the Cardelli et al. (1989) formulae isdiscussed. The R values presented in this paper can be used to determineindividual absolute magnitudes of reddened OB stars with knowntrigonometric parallaxes.

IUE Absorption-Line Observations of the Moderately and Highly Ionized Interstellar Medium toward 164 Early-Type Stars
We present measurements of Galactic interstellar Al III, Si IV, and C IVabsorption recorded in high-resolution archival ultraviolet spectra of164 hot early-type stars observed by the International UltravioletExplorer (IUE) satellite. The objects studied were drawn from the listof hot stars scheduled to be observed with the Far UltravioletSpectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) satellite as part of observing programsdesigned to investigate absorption by O VI in the Galactic disk andhalo. Multiple IUE echelle-mode integrations have been combined toproduce a single ultraviolet (1150-1900 Å) spectrum of each starwith a spectral resolution of ~25 km s-1 (FWHM). Selectedabsorption-line profiles are presented for each star along with plots ofthe apparent column density per unit velocity for each line of the AlIII, Si IV, and C IV doublets. We report absorption-line equivalentwidths, absorption velocities, and integrated column densities based onthe apparent optical depth method of examining interstellar absorptionlines. We also determine column densities and Doppler parameters fromsingle-component curve-of-growth analyses. The scientific analysis ofthese observations will be undertaken after the FUSE satellite producessimilar measurements for absorption by interstellar O IV, Fe III, S III,and other ions. Based on archival data from observations obtained withthe International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite sponsored byNASA, SERC, and ESA.

Five-colour photometry of OB-stars in the Southern Hemisphere
Observations of OB-stars, made in 1959 and 1960 at the Leiden SouthernStation near Hartebeespoortdam, South Africa, with the VBLUW photometerattached to the 90 cm light-collector, are given in this paper. They arecompared with photometry obtained by \cite[Graham (1968),]{gra68}\cite[Walraven & Walraven (1977),]{wal77} \cite[Lub & Pel(1977)]{lub77} and \cite[Van Genderen et al. (1984).]{gen84} Formulaefor the transformation of the present observations to those of\cite[Walraven & Walraven (1977)]{wal77} and \cite[Lub & Pel(1977)]{lub77} are given. Table 4 is only available in electronic format the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( orvia http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

UBV beta Database for Case-Hamburg Northern and Southern Luminous Stars
A database of photoelectric UBV beta photometry for stars listed in theCase-Hamburg northern and southern Milky Way luminous stars surveys hasbeen compiled from the original research literature. Consisting of over16,000 observations of some 7300 stars from over 500 sources, thisdatabase constitutes the most complete compilation of such photometryavailable for intrinsically luminous stars around the Galactic plane.Over 5000 stars listed in the Case-Hamburg surveys still lackfundamental photometric data.

ICCD speckle observations of binary stars. XIX - an astrometric/spectroscopic survey of O stars
We present the results of a speckle interferometric survey made with theCHARA speckle camera and 4 m class telescopes of Galactic O-type starswith V less than 8. We can detect with the speckle camera binaries inthe angular separation range 0.035-1.5 arcsec with delta M less than 3,and we have discovered 15 binaries among 227 O-type systems. We combinedour results on visual binaries with measurements of wider pairs from theWashington Double Star Catalog and fainter pairs from the HipparcosCatalog, and we made a literature survey of the spectroscopic binariesamong the sample. We then investigated the overall binary frequency ofthe sample and the orbital characteristics of the known binaries.Binaries are common among O stars in clusters and associations but lessso among field and especially runaway stars. There are many triplesystems among the speckle binaries, and we discuss their possible rolein the ejection of stars from clusters. The period distribution of thebinaries is bimodal in log P, but we suggest that binaries with periodsof years and decades may eventually be found to fill the gap. The massratio distribution of the visual binaries increases toward lower massratios, but low mass ratio companions are rare among close,spectroscopic binaries. We present distributions of the eccentricity andlongitude of periastron for spectroscopic binaries with ellipticalorbits, and we find strong evidence of a bias in the longitude ofperiastron distribution.

A Radial Velocity Database for Stephenson-Sanduleak Southern Luminous Stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1997AJ....113..823R&db_key=AST

Cross-correlation characteristics of OB stars from IUE spectroscopy
We present a catalogue of homogeneous measures of the linewidthparameter, v_esin i, for 373 O-type stars and early B supergiants(including the separate components of 25 binary and three triplesystems), produced by cross-correlating high-resolution,short-wavelength IUE spectra against a `template' spectrum of tauSco. Wealso tabulate terminal velocities. There are no O supergiants in oursample with v_esin i<65 km s^-1, and only one supergiant earlier thanB5 has v_esin i<50 km s^-1, confirming that an important linebroadening mechanism in addition to rotation must be present in theseobjects. A calibration of the area under the cross-correlation peakagainst spectral type is used to obtain estimates of continuum intensityratios of the components in 28 spectroscopically binary or multiplesystems. At least seven SB2 systems show evidence for the `Struve-Sahadeeffect', a systematic variation in relative line strength as a functionof orbital phase. The stellar wind profiles of the most rapid rotator inour sample, the O9III:n* star HD 191423 (v_esin i=436km s^-1), show itto have a `wind-compressed disc' similar to that of HD 93521; this starand other rapid rotators are good candidates for studies of non-radialpulsation.

Projected Rotational Velocities of O-Type Stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1996ApJ...463..737P&db_key=AST

Far-Ultraviolet Stellar Photometry: Fields Centered on rho Ophiuchi and the Galactic Center
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1996ApJS..104..101S&db_key=AST

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

The threshold for stellar winds in hot main-sequence stars
The profiles of ultraviolet resonance lines of C IV were surveyed in asample of 29 cluster and association members in the spectral type rangeO9-B2 III-V, together with a few field stars of interest. Thetemperatures and gravities of the stars were taken from the modelatmosphere analysis by Grigsby, Morrison, & Anderson (1992), and theluminosities were estimated on the basis of cluster and associationdistances from the recent literature. A parameter Pw wasdefined in order to describe the degree and assymetry of the C IVprofile. This parameter, together with total C IV equivalent width, wasfound to be well correlated with stellar luminosity and temperature. Afew anomalous stars were noted: tau Sco, HD 66665, HD 13621, and the ONstars HD12323 and HD 201345. The results suggest a sudden onset ofobservable mass loss at T(effective) = 27,500 +/- 500 K, log (L/solarluminosity) = 4.4 +/- 0.12, in agreement with the previous study byPrinja (1989). At T(effective) = 28,000 K and log g = 4, our non-LTEmodel atmospheres show an enhancement in the ground-state population ofC(+3) in their topmost layer, which could be responsible for initiationof the winds via radiation pressure on the C(+3) ions, or for the onsetof visibility of C(+3) ions in the wind because of an increase in theoptical depth in the C IV lines in the outermost layers.

A spectroscopic database for Stephenson-Sanduleak Southern Luminous Stars
A database of published spectral classifications for objects in theStepenson-Sanduleak Luminous Stars in the Southern Milky Way catalog hasbeen compiled from the literature. A total of 6182 classifications for2562 stars from 139 sources are incorporated.

Far-ultraviolet stellar photometry: Fields in Sagittarius and Scorpius
Far-ultraviolet photometry for 741 objects in a field in Sagittariuscentered near M8 and 541 objects in a field centered near sigma Scorpiiis presented. These data were extracted from electographic imagesobtained with two cameras during a shuttle flight in 1991 April/May. Thecameras provided band passes with lambdaeff = 1375 A andlambdaeff = 1781 A. Synthetic colors show that these bandsare sensitive to effective temperature for hot stars. Our measurementswere placed on a quantitative far-ultraviolet magnitude scale byconvolving the spectra of stars observed by IUE with our cameras'spectral response functions. Fifty-eight percent of the ultravioletobjects were identified with visible stars using the SIMBAD databasewhile another 40% of the objects are blends of early type stars tooclose together to separate with our resolution. Our photometry iscompared with that from the TD-1, OAO 2, and ANS satellites and the S201(Apollo 16) far-ultraviolet camera and found to agree at the level of afew tenths of a magnitude. Unlike previous studies, almost half of theidentified visual counterparts to the ultraviolet objects are early Bstars. A plot of distance modulus against ultraviolet color excessreveals a significant population of stars with strong ultravioletexcess.

An IUE survey of interstellar H I LY alpha absorption. 1: Column densities
We measure Galactic interstellar neutral hydrogen column densities byanalyzing archival interstellar Ly alpha absorption line data toward 554B2 and hotter stars observed at high resolution with the IUE satellite.This study more than doubles the number of lines of sight with measuresof N(H I) based on Ly alpha. We have included the scattered lightbackground correction algorithm of Bianchi and Bohlin in our datareduction. We use the correlation between the Balmer discontinuity(c1) index and the stellar Ly alpha absorption in order toassess the effects of stellar Ly alpha contamination. Approximately 40%of the B stars with measured (c1) index, exhibit seriousstellar Ly alpha contamination. One table contains the derived values ofthe interstellar N(H I) for 393 stars with at most small amounts ofstellar contamination. Another lists the observed values of total N(H I)for 161 stars with suspected stellar Ly alpha contamination and/oruncertain stellar parameters.

Synthetic UV Lines of Si IV, C IV, and He II from a Population of Massive Stars in Starburst Galaxies
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1993ApJ...418..749R&db_key=AST

Non-LTE, line-blanketed model atmospheres for late O- and early B-type stars
The use of non-LTE line-blanketed model atmospheres to analyze thespectra of hot stars is reported. The stars analyzed are members ofclusters and associations, have spectral types in the range O9-B2 andluminosity classes in the range III-IV, have slow to moderate rotation,and are photometrically constant. Sampled line opacities of iron-groupelements were incorporated in the radiative transfer solution; solarabundances were assumed. Good to excellent agreement is obtained betweenthe computed profiles and essentially all the line profiles used to fixthe model, and reliable stellar parameters are derived. The synthetic MII 5581 equivalent widths agree well with the observed ones at the lowend of the temperature range studied, but, above 25,000 K, the syntheticline is generally stronger than the observed line. The behavior of theobserved equivalent widths of N II, N III, C II and C III lines as afunction of Teff is studied. Most of the lines show much scatter, withno consistent trend that could indicate abundance differences from starto star.

Photospheric Absorption Lines in the Ultraviolet Spectra of O-Stars and B-Stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1990MNRAS.246..392P&db_key=AST

Terminal velocities for a large sample of O stars, B supergiants, and Wolf-Rayet stars
It is argued that easily measured, reliable estimates of terminalvelocities for early-type stars are provided by the central velocityasymptotically approached by narrow absorption features and by theviolet limit of zero residual intensity in saturated P Cygni profiles.These estimators are used to determine terminal velocities, v(infinity),for 181 O stars, 70 early B supergiants, and 35 Wolf-Rayet stars. For OBstars, the values are typically 15-20 percent smaller than the extremeviolet edge velocities, v(edge), while for WR stars v(infinity) = 0.76v(edge) on average. New mass-loss rates for WR stars which are thermalradio emitters are given, taking into account the new terminalvelocities and recent revisions to estimates of distances and to themean nuclear mass per electron. The relationships between v(infinity),the surface escape velocities, and effective temperatures are examined.

Ultraviolet gas absorption and dust extinction toward M8
Interstellar absorption lines are analyzed using high-resolution IUEspectra of 11 stars in the young cluster NGC 6530 located in the M8region. High-velocity clouds at -35 km/s and -60 km/s are seen towardall cluster stars. The components arise in gases that are part of largeinterstellar bubbles centered on the cluster and driven by stellar windsof the most luminous members. Absorption lines of species of differentionization states are separated in velocity. The velocity stratificationis best explained as a 'champagne' flow of ionized gas away from thecluster. The C IV/Si IV ratios toward the hotter cluster members areconsistent with simple photoionization models if the gas-phase C/Siratio is increased by preferential accretion onto dust grains. High ioncolumn densities in the central cluster decline with distance from W93,suggesting that radiation from a hot source near W93 has photoionizedgas in the central cluster.

The upper main sequence of OB associations. II - The single-lined O stars: Spectral classification of northern stars and lines of C and N
The properties of the stars close to the upper main sequence of OBassociations are studied in order to provide constraints on the theoryof evolution of massive stars. The spectral classification of northernsingle-lined O stars, most of them belonging to the associations CygOB1, Per OB1 and Cas OB6, is presented. The classification is performedaccording to Conti's classification scheme for O stars, amended byMathys (1988). The behavior of the C and N lines of the stars isstudied, in order to determine whether CNO-processed material is visibleat their surface. Three new ON stars have been discovered: BD + 36 deg4063 (O9.71), HD 13268 (O8V), and HD 110360 (O7V).

The spectral energy distribution of early-type stars. II - The extinction law towards O-type stars
Photometric measurements through different pass-bands are used todetermine the color-excess E(B-V) for O-type stars in the UV and IRspectral regions. The results are used to examine the extinctioncharacter of the stars. It is found that, in the UV, each O-type starhas its own extinction character. In general, the visual and NIRextinction in the direction of O-type stars are normal.

The stellar winds of 203 Galactic O stars - A quantitative ultraviolet survey
Measurements of the resonance lines of C IV, N V, and Si IV in a sampleof 203 O stars observed using IUE in a high-resolution mode arepresented. The data are discussed using a consistent set of radius,luminosity, and mass estimates. The ratio of the maximum observedvelocity and the terminal (farfield) velocity is found to average at 3.0for 131 stars with strong or saturated lines, and at 2.6 for all stars.An expression is given which is the best available predictor of O starmass loss rates, giving an accuracy better than a factor of twoirrespective of luminosity class. The ionization fractions C(3+)/C andN(4+)/N are found to be independent of stellar effective temperature,but increase by a factor of about two from main sequence stars tosupergiants. Two new possible ON stars are identified, and enhancedsurface nitrogen abundance is confimed in ON stars. Discrete narrowabsorption features are found to be virtually universal characteristicof O star P Cygni profiles.

The upper main sequence of OB associations. I - Spectral types and lines of C and N of southern single-lined O stars
The single-line O stars belonging to the southern associations Vel OB1,Car OB1, Cen OB1, and Sco OB1 are studied. Their spectral type isderived in Conti's classification scheme for O stars, amended to includethe O9.7 subtype and to deal with fairly high S/N CCD spectra. Thebehavior of the C and N lines of these stars is studied in order todetermine whether CNO-processed material is visible at their surface.

The kinematical and binary properties of association and field O stars
A catalog of 195 Galactic O-type stars brighter than V = 8.0 mag hasbeen compiled to compare the velocity distribution and binary frequencyamong cluster and association, field, and runaway stars. Both the fieldstars and runaway stars have a larger dispersion in peculiar radialvelocity, a more positive mean peculiar radial velocity, and a widerz-distribution than stars found in clusters and associations, which isconsistent with the ejection of field and runaway stars from theirbirthplaces in associations. Visual binaries are common among stars inclusters and associations, but their incidence is a factor of 2 loweramong field stars, and they are absent in the runaway stars. Similarly,there is a deficiency of spectroscopic binaries among field stars, andespecially the runaway stars, relative to the numbers found in clustersand associations. Many of these properties can be understood in terms ofejection through close gravitational interactions with binary starsduring an early high number density epoch in the evolution of clusters.

The spectral energy distribution of early type stars. I - A catalogue of photometric data of 259 stars from 0.15 to 4.8 microns
For the derivation of physical parameters (e.g., effective temperatureand radius) of early-type stars from their intrinsic spectral-energydistribution, and for the study of foreground interstellar and/orcircumstellar matter, a sample of 237 O, B, and A stars was chosen fromthe ANS catalog (Wesselius et al., 1982). The ANS ultraviolet and theJohnson UBV data (mostly from Nicolet's catalog, 1978) of these starswere supplemented with visual Walraven WULBV, red VRI, and near-infraredJHKLM measurements. All these data are given in the present catalog.Data for 22 stars of spectral type later than A are also included.

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sonraki gruplarýn üyesi:

Gözlemler ve gökölçümü verileri

Sað Açýklýk:17h59m26.31s
Görünürdeki Parlaklýk:7.468
Uzaklýk:2631.579 parsek
özdevim Sað Açýklýk:1.5
özdevim Yükselim:-2.4
B-T magnitude:7.61
V-T magnitude:7.48

Kataloglar ve belirtme:
Özgün isimleri
HD 1989HD 163892
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 6262-773-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0675-23710329
HIPHIP 88085

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