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Precise equatorial coordinates of double and multiple systems - an astronomical support to the HIPPARCOS mission Results are presented on determinations of precise positions (to theaccuracy required for their possible inclusion in the Hipparcos InputCatalogue) of 623 double and multiple stars (126 of them newlydiscovered) from the measurement of 39 plates taken at the ESO and theAstronomical Observatory of Torino, obtained between 1984 and 1987. Thetable includes the index number, the name of the discoverer, binarycomponent according to the designation by the Catalogue de Composantesd'etoiles Doubles et Multiples (CCDM), the magnitude of the componentsas given in the CCDM, epoch of observation, right ascension referred tothe J2000.0 equinox, declination, position angle referred to the J2000.0North Pole, angular separation, and DM and ADS numbers.
| CCD measurements of visual binaries CCD measurements of visual double stars were obtained with the ESO 1.5 mdanish reflector. All binaries observed are candidates for the HIPPARCOSInput Catalogue. More than 400 observations have been made in four clearnights. The accuracy obtained is comparable to the accuracy of thephotographic technique, but the observing and reduction times are oneorder of magnitude smaller.
| The distribution of OB stars and dust in a Milky Way field at (l,b) = (335 deg, 0 deg) New photoelectric UBV photometry for 103 stars and MK spectroscopy for110 stars in a 21 sq-deg field at (l,b) = (335 deg, 0 deg) are studied,in addition to previous data for stars in this field. Most of the 112 OBstars considered may be separated into three groups associated with thespiral structure of the inner galaxy: one at 1.34 + or - 0.05 kpc, oneat 2.41 + or - 0.08 kpc, and one at 3.69 + or - 0.23 kpc. The remaining21 stars lie along the line-of-sight, with some possibly being asdistant as 9 kpc. The dust is found to be distributed in two distinctclouds, one in the local arm at 190 + or - 30 pc and the other in aninterarm cloud of variable extinction at 690 + or - 70 pc.